☆CH. 2 PG.2 ☆

217 7 58

They were exhausted.

Paintbrush needed a break; they could bearly even get out of bed.. the first day being declared as a knight hadn't gone as planned, but they'd have to deal with much worse in the upcoming future. it was then a thought crossed their mind.

'I'd better visit Lightbulbs bakery..'

They'd push themselves up from the bed, bags under their eyes as they pulled themselves together; Inching into a few pieces of armor before glancing at their sword, their fingers tentatively brushing against the hard base, giving a soft stroke before maintaining a firm grip and sliding it within the holster of their belt and leaving their shack– The prick of a cold breeze flowing freely over their skin. It was slightly windy— Which bothered paintbrush.

They could never keep their hair in a decent position.

Despite their objections,
they'd commence with the visit, their flat-footed shoes clanking against the rough 'and rigid tiles.

They would eventually reach the bakery. They'd shoot a glance at the infirmary Not even a block away from lightbulbs bakery. The knight would scowl, and an eerie frown grew on their face before they shook the feeling off, feeling a chill run up their back.
Slowly, the doors were pried open, and the scent of Freshly baked goods immediately hit paintbrush, catching them off guard. Paintbrush's eyes scanned the area, only to spot a few of their close friends. lightbulb, one of the closest, began looking back at them with a semi-shocked expression as she held test tube up on a small stool, using a hand to support the taller woman.

Fan only glanced back at the paintbrush, and a smirk brushed across his lips

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Fan only glanced back at the paintbrush, and a smirk brushed across his lips.

"Hey, paintbrush! Congrats on your new position– we're happy for you, really."
Said fan, brushing a loc of hair behind his shoulders.

"–I appreciate that."
their gaze trailed back to lightbulbs.

"What's it with that one?" They'd point at the semi-conscious girl lightbulb held, who seemed almost slumped over her shoulder.

"Ah', y'know painty. Got herself worked up again, maybe a bit sleep deprived? you see what all that science does to ya', Eh', tetsy?"
The baker said, giving her a strong pat on the back. The girl came up, adjusting her glasses before she spoke–
–"I'm telling you lightbulb,  it's not just a theory!"
–She'd blurt out, so suddenly.

"Woah, woah!"
Paintbrush started– "Back it up- What's this all about?"

–"Well recently", Fan started, "Test tube and I had been studying a theory about a..forth kingdom, prehaps."
–"A forth kingdom? Are you insane, huh?"
They spat, shooting a glare at fan before sitting on the stool beside them. It was then test tube shot up from her seat, her hands leaving lightbulbs waist whilst she watched. The scientist threw her hands down onto the table, causing fans drink to tip over. His brows furrowed slightly,  yet, he failed to protest. The girls hair fell out of the bun as she loomed over paintbrush, somewhat worried as they pushed her back a bit, creating distance.

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