☆CH. 1 PG. 7☆

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Trophy peered out of the window as the sun rose; his expression both unbothered yet slightly agitated. He did not sleep much that night. His skin glowed as the Rays of sunlight hit him..

His eyes would narrow as he overlooked the scenery, before pushing himself away from the window

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His eyes would narrow as he overlooked the scenery, before pushing himself away from the window.

Maybe venturing out with cheesy wasn't such a bad idea. Without saying a word, He'd leave the castle with his cloak and a bag of goods, just in case he happened to need them. The man ran his slender fingers through his soft, silky hair before fixing his cloak.

It was getting colder, winter was upon them. Not many did too well during such a season. Whether it be hypothermia for the poor, or famine for the rich. He trudged through the crowds of peasants at the market, his eyes scanning the area. The prince couldn't find the comedy club he happened to come across a day or two prior.. it wasn't long until trophy spotted the boy; cheesy, packing a few bags into a horse drawn carriage; he wore a thin leather jacket and seemed to be shaking slightly, taking heavy breaths. Trophy approached the smaller, yet older man, slamming his hand next to his, making contact with the cold wood.

Cheesy flinched slightly, looking up at the other.
He practically screeched, causing the younger man to cover the other's mouth with his palm. "Quiet!" Trophy warned- his grip loosening. "I'd like you to take me with you, dork." He grumbled, Watching as the smaller man's eyes lit up with raw enthusiasm. "Well? What are ya' waitin' for?" He chirped, his eyes bright with mischief as he gently guided the prince into the cart.

Trophy was caught off guard by his formality, he couldn't be caught dead in this... shack! It was quite small, cramped with supplies.

"You sure' you need all this crap?"
Trophy said, brows furrowed.

"Course' I do!" He smirked, his hands running through the horses' mane before hopping into the cart infront of trophy. He took off with a sudden jolt, the sound of trotting hooves clanking against the hardened concrete filling the air. It caught trophy off guard; he fell back before regaining his composure.
The ride was otherwise silent, but trophys thoughts were loud enough. Cheesy saw him as a regular being'.. and trophy didn't know how to feel about that... he couldn't help but be interested in cheesys personal life otherwise.

He cleared his throat, making his presence known.
"..Did you have anyone growing up with?"
He'd ask, eyes downcast. Cheesy gave him a quick side eye before smiling.

"Yes, I did."
He replied nonchalantly.
"My half' sister."

"And who's that? Where is she?

Cheesy grinned slightly. "She's in the 'Monochrome kingdom. Haven't heard from her in the longest. I like to call her' Lb' for short."
He said, glancing at trophy from the corner of his eye before looking back at the trail. The ground was slightly grazed with ice, causing the cart to swivel ever so often.
"..How long are we riding for?" Trophy asked, eyes locked on the ground.

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