。⁠♡CHAPTER 3||Love Means War♡⁠。

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A/N; I AM SO GLAD WE'VE REACHED THE FINAL CHAPTER! this was really fun to write and draw! :3 New characters are introduced in this chapter, and the past lore we've learned will sum up! Enjoy!


Today was the day of Prince Trophy's and Princess Salts' wedding. I was far from happy. It was a rather sunny day, considering the Season. The invited people were to gather around the center of the newly built bridges, where the ceremony took place. I couldn't say I was happy for them, I was not pleased at all. I stared in the mirror, a certain unforeseen rage bubbling up within myself before I calmed myself, slowly, yet surely.

 I stared in the mirror, a certain unforeseen rage bubbling up within myself before I calmed myself, slowly, yet surely

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( g g g g GYATT🗣🗣)
(I Can't take any of my books seriously dawg😞)

Why had I let knife betray me?
I should've known there was something... off, something I should've noticed early on, I was blinded by my own feelings. I should've listened to paintbrush and heeded their warnings. Was I too kind for my good? I could feel a tear trickle down my cheek, which only made my situation worse. How would I proceed? The fourth kingdom was real, and we were at risk of war, the adults failed to notice our grieving! I could not imagine how the trophy felt. Oj had placed knife in the dungeon ..

I jumped as the door creaked open, silver spoon entered the room.
-"Prince yin.." he began, his eyes on everything else but me.
"Are..are you ready? The queen is-"

-"Mother will have to wait."
I said, trying to maintain the cheer in my voice, which cracked.

-"...Yin, We'll have to go soon, we have no time for this! You're ready and-"
-"As the future king, I'd like a moment to myself, please!"
I turned away, feeling a lump build in my throat. "... I'd like a say in what I do."

-"...What is up with you lately? You've been quite disobedient. Honestly, you should be grateful for this honor! After This event, You will be crowned king! Think of it, the glory, the fame, and you're willing to throw that all away, for who, that knife guy!?"
My eyes widen upon the mention of the knife, my nerves at an all-time high. Normally I'd never lash out, but something inside of me snapped.

-"Maybe Yang would've enjoyed this kind of 'privilege', huh? Maybe my BROTHER wouldn't be so dead set on DESTROYING us after this fuckin'-...this.. damn wedding, we both know this gets us NOWHERE!"
...We both fell silent before I continued.
"..What is going on here? Why were our kingdoms split..? Why did the war occur!?.. Who did you give Yang away to-... what's his name? I demand to know!"

"..Yin, you...you aren't supposed to know any of this.."
-"But I do! Knife betrayed me, and now my own family, everything I've ever stood for, my ideology, it's...it's all wrong?"

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