CH.1》PG. 4

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It took only four days. Four days for the ball to be set up, to be hosted. Many civilians of either the kingdom of gold or the kingdom of spices gathered for this ceremony; Full of hope and energy.

Salt gazed out the window, her eyes darting around the exposed area. She watched as many made their way into the kingdom gates; her fingers digging into her pristine green dress, matched with the dull flowers in her hair. The princess sighed, turning around and grabbing a small green bottle of wine, her gaze lingering on the mirror before back at her door.


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She'd shut her eyes, a sigh escaping her throat. As she heard voices fill the ballroom from downstairs, She came to her senses. It must've been time. Slowly she lifted herself, her steps slow and deliberate. She took one last glance out of the window, reminiscing on the events that took place a few nights before. Summoning her bravery, she made her way down to a secluded area of the ballroom, met by her mother who greeted her with great integrity.

"Salt, darling. There you are. I was beginning to think you wouldn't ever come out of your room!"
The woman exclaimed, neatly placing salt's crown on her head.

"Prince trophy will arrive shortly.."

Salt granted her mother a sheepish smile, internally wilting away. As she disappeared into the crowd, salts smile dropped, looking down.

"Having trouble?"
Chives spoke with a smirk plastered onto his features.
A smile crept onto salts face, she shook her head before continuing to observe the partygoers. "..No, chives. Not yet; at least.. I'm just praying that Prince Trophy doesn't show up. No way am I marrying that...thing " She laughed, expecting a snarky remark from Chives; but he simply remained silent. Salts lips curled; she'd look down and sigh.

"...Looking for someone?"
Said chives; his gaze drifting back onto salt.

The girl paused; unsure of herself. She couldn't tell chives, could she? Usually, she'd tell him everything.

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