☆CHAPTER 2|| The monochrome kingdom

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'Today's the day.'

Paintbrush thought; heaving. It felt like a dream, from a (in their eyes)- mediocre artist to one of the fierce 'knights of the monochrome kingdom. They stood stiff, waiting paitently for the gates to open; so that they could fufill their honor from Prince Yin himself.

Paintbrush and yin had known each other for a while; ever since Paintbrush had made a beautiful piece of artwork for him and his honor; they got along well. Yin was an amazing prince. He was far from self centered, and did what was best for the kingdom, following in queen candles' footsteps. Though, Yin was..softer compared to others, his polite personality often taken advantage of.

In the midst of their thoughts; the gates opened, the sun crusading down upon paintbrush.

They let out a nervous breath as cheering and confetti filled the air

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They let out a nervous breath as cheering and confetti filled the air. Today was a day to celebrate, There was little time to worry. Slowly, they took a few calculated steps out into the open; Approaching Yin and Queen candle with a growing pit in their stomach, and as they strayed closer, the cheering grew louder.

Eventually they found themselves infront of the prince, a smile on his face.

Paintbrush snickered before kneeling down, their head bowed down, as a sign of gratitude

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Paintbrush snickered before kneeling down, their head bowed down, as a sign of gratitude.

"No need to be so formal, paintbrush.."
Said yin, his hopes high. He'd place a hand on their shoulder.
"You've trained so well, and have made it so far.. I'm so proud of you!" As yin spoke, paintbrush looked around; this was all they had wanted, for all these years.. a soft sigh escaped their throat.. he watched as Yins butler, or shall I say servant, silverspoon approached, wielding a hand crafted sword, made particularly for their own hand. Paintbrush internally cringed- They had a certain disliking to silverspoon. Yin removed his hand from paintbrushes shoulder; Making room for silverspoon. He'd stand by candle, practically bouncing with enthusiasm as the woman glaned back at him with a soft look in her eyes.

"I see you've Finally made it."
'Silver scowled silently, leaning down to match paintbrushes gaze.
"..It's not like you deserve it, much.."
He mumbled, watching as paintbrush stood, their fist clenched.

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