𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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I lift my head up, I see ward Cameron, Sarah and rafe's dad. "Madison?" He says, looking at me. I look at him, tears still streaming down my face.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He asks, crouching down beside me. "I got in a fight with jj.." I say, my voice cracking.

"Oh sweetheart, come with me." He says, helping me up.

He gets up, helping me up as well. He gives me a hug, as I close my eyes. I feel like for once, I'm being taken care of.

"Let's go, I'll drive you to tannyhill so we can talk.." he says, smiling kindly. I walk him to his car, getting in the and he begins to drive away.

I feel so embarrassed. ——————————————————————————
We arrive to tannyhill, and he parks the car, I get out and we walk to the front door. He unlocks it, letting me in first.

I take my shoes off and he walks to the kitchen, filling the kettle and turning the stove on. "Would you like some tea?" He offers.

"Yes please." I say, wiping my tears away. He puts the kettle on the stove as I sit down at the counter.

We wait a few minutes for the water to boil. The kettle starts to screech.

Mr Cameron gets up, turning the stove off and grabbing two mugs. He pours the hot water in the mugs, and puts tea bags in.

I feel like shit, I'm still surprised about what jj said. how could he.. ——————————————————————————
He picks them up, handing me a mug. "Thank you, mr Cameron.." I say smiling weakly. "It's no probelm." He smiles.

"So tell me what happened." I tell him the whole story, he listens to me. "Hm, i see.." he says, taking a sip of tea.

It feels nice to be heard.

"It seems to me like Mr Maybank doesn't fully trust Rafe." Mr Cameron adds. "Yeah, I guess so.." I say, fidgeting with my hands.

"It may not be enough to hear from you, he might need to hear the apology from rafe." He says, looking at me. I nod quietly.

Maybe he's right.. maybe it's not enough to hear it from me. ——————————————————————————
Mr Cameron turns around, "Oh, hey son." He says, turning back to me.

I turn around, I see Rafe walking towards the kitchen. "Baby?" He says, looking at me.

I did not want Rafe to see me crying.

"What's going on?" He asks, looking at his dad and then back at me. "I got in a fight with jj, so your dad drove me here." I say quietly.

"Oh baby.." he says, holding my face. "Let's go to my room, alright?" He says. "Alright.." I say, smiling weakly.

I get up from the Chair, before turning around to look at Mr Cameron.

He helped me out more than he actually knows. ——————————————————————————
"Thank you, Mr Cameron." I say, giving him a hug. "You're welcome, you'll figure it out. You always do." He says, giving me a warm smile.

Mr Cameron always felt like a second dad to me, he always took care of me when I got hurt. If me and Rafe got into an argument, he was the first one to show up at my door. He's always been on my side.

Rafe holds my hand as we walk upstairs to his room. He lets me in and shuts the door, as I sit down on his bed.

"Baby, I'm so sorry.." he says quietly, trying to console me.

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