𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎

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I wake up the next morning, the sun shines through the curtain of Rafe's bedroom. I get out of his bed, closing the curtains.

Im not in the mood for the sun today. In fact, it feels like a rainy day because that's how I feel.

I stretch my arms, changing into my extra pair of clothes before heading downstairs. I see Sarah and Mr Cameron having breakfast.

"Morning, Mads.." Sarah says, putting her fork down. Mr Cameron turns around, "Good morning, Madison." He says, giving me a smile.

This obviously isn't easy for him either, it's his son.

"Morning.." I say, giving them a weak smile. Mr Cameron gives me a pancake with maple syrup and chocolate chips.

"Thank you." I say, genuinely. ——————————————————————————
"It's my pleasure, sweetheart." He says, patting me on back lightly.

I finish eating and me and Sarah sit in the living room.

"What time are we visiting him today?" I ask her. "I'm not sure, but maybe in a hour or so if I ask my dad." She says, holding my hand.

I squeeze her hand gently, taking a shaky deep breath.

"I can text the pogues now and ask if they can come to the hospital with us." I say, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

I'm sure they'll come. I mean, they care about Rafe too.

"Alright, I'll go ask my dad." She tells me, letting go of my hand and leaving the couch. ——————————————————————————

Hey guys, Sarah and I were thinking of going to the hospital. Can you guys come?

Kiara: Yeah, of course mads.

JJ: I'll definitely come.

John B: We'll be there.

Thanks guys, we'll see you in a bit.

I set my phone down on the table, waiting for Sarah to come back. After waiting for five minutes, she finally comes back to the living room.

"He said we can go." She says, smiling lightly.

"Good, the pogues are on their way." I tell her, getting up from the couch. ——————————————————————————
We put on our shoes and grab our purses. "We'll take my car." I say, grabbing car keys.

I'm a little relieved I get to see Rafe again, but still severely worried.

We say goodbye to Mr Cameron and leave. After driving for a while, we finally reach our destination.

I take a deep breath and turn the engine off, looking at Sarah.

"Ready?" I ask her. "Ready." She answers, squeezing my hand.

We enter the hospital and go to reception. "Hello, how can I help you?" The receptionist asks us.

"Hi, we're here to see Rafe Cameron." I tell her, putting my arms on the counter. ——————————————————————————
"Oh, yes. Your friends are awaiting you in the waiting room over there. Have a seat and a doctor will be with you shortly. She says, smiling kindly.

Sarah thanks her and we go to the waiting area. We see the pogues, We walk over to them. "Hey guys." They all say, getting up to hug us.

I hug them firmly, we sit down and talk for a while until a doctor approaches us.

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