𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖

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"Hey, let's sit in this park for a while and have a snack" I suggest, pointing on the window to the grassy field.

He parks the car and we walk through the city, getting an ice cream cone. We wander around for a little and eventually make our way back to the park and sit down.

It reminds me of our first date, we went out for ice cream and had a great time. It's like taking a trip down memory lane..

"Let's sit over here, it's a good spot." Rafe says, sitting down at the picnic table. "Yeah, this seems like a good place." I approve, sitting down next to him.

We enjoy our ice cream while talking for a while, "Hey, we should head out now." Rafe says, putting his hand on my back. ——————————————————————————
I nod, smiling as I get up from the picnic table. We get back inside the car and sit in the passenger seat while Rafe gets accommodated in the drivers seat.

"Do you want anything else before we go home, baby?" He asks, putting his hand on the wheel. "I'm good, thanks babe." I beam, resting my head on the window.

The ice cream was pretty filling so I probably won't have lunch but that's fine.

I arrive at tannyhill with Rafe, He parks and we get out of the car. We walk to the front door and he unlocks it.

He lets me in first, with him following behind. I take my shoes off and hang my coat up. "Hey, I'm gonna hang out with Sarah for a few minutes, okay?" I tell Rafe.
He nods quietly. I make my way upstairs and knock on Sarah's bedroom door. "Hello?" I say, waiting for her to answer.

I know she's in here because I hear the music coming from her phone.

"Come in!" She says, cheerfully. I open the door, "Hey mads!" She smiles, giving me a hug.

I hug her back. "How are you?" She asks, putting a light hand on my shoulder.

"Good, what about you?" I ask in return. "Not much, My relationship with John B isn't going so great though." She says.

"I'm really sorry, do you want to talk about it?" I ask, putting my hand on her shoulder.

She looks down at her fingers, nervously. "John B said he loved me but.. I didn't say it back and we haven't really talked for a while." She explains, biting her fingernails. ——————————————————————————
That doesn't look good..

"Did he seem upset when you didn't say it back..?" I ask, rubbing her shoulder to comfort her.

"He didn't really have a specific expression on his face, but he just seemed really dry after." She tells me.

"Hm, I don't think he's upset. I've known him since second grade and he doesn't seem like the type of person to get mad, he might just be a little hurt. I say.

John B is a very understanding person, I don't think he would be that upset.

"I guess so. I mean i would be upset too if I were him, I just don't want our relationship to end over this.." she entrusts, feeling vulnerable with me.

"I don't think your relationship is over because of this, it's just a little rough patch. Rafe and I have small arguments sometimes and we just talk about it after." I say, holding her hands. ——————————————————————————
"I think you should call him, ask him to meet at the chateau or anywhere really and have a conversation about it." I continue, giving her advice.

She has a tendency to avoid doing something that she knows needs to be done, that's clearly what's happening right now.

"Do you really think I should? What if he doesn't want to talk?" She excuses, fearfully. I grab her hand tightly, looking at her with certainty.

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