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  Jinae scanned the isle of food, looking for the specific snack Airi had asked for. She sighed in relief as she found it, throwing it into her basket.

  "Oh my gosh, look who it is!" A voice exclaimed behind the vampire. Turning around, she wasn't pleased by the sight. "Ah, Akari, how have you been?"

  "Don't play that shit with me." Her tone changed, catching her off guard. "W-what?"

  "What do you plan to do to Airi and Miyu?" She spat, crossing her arms over her chest.

  "Protect them as my girlfriend and my girlfriends sister. What do you plan on doing, huh?" She took a step forward, having to remind herself that she was in a largely populated store.

She looked Jinae up and down with a glare, rolling her eyes so far they disappeared. "What business does a vampire have with two human girls?"

Letting out a chuckle, she nodded. "So that's what this is about."

"Leave them alone or I'll expose the truth to them. Airi will be heartbroken to learn her precious girlfriend is a ruthless killer." She threatened, only to get a chuckle in return.

"Run that mouth as much as you want. You'll see just who Airi actually trusts."

Akari began to grow angry as Jinae took another step forward. Being greatly taller than the human, it wasn't hard to intimidate her. "But I am warning you now. If you hurt my girl or her sister.. I'll kill you."

"Baby!" Airi ran up to Jinae to hug her, thanking her for running to the store. "Thank youuuu." She cutely sang, getting her favorite snack out of the bag.

  "I got Miyu these. Do you think she'll like them?"

  Airi nodded with a bright smile. "She used to eat those all the time."

Jinae watched as her girlfriend shifted through the grocery bags, her mind fighting with itself on whether or not to tell Airi what happened with Akari.

"Thank you for going out. I know you don't like humans that much."

Jinae pulled Airi closer, placing a kiss on her cheek. "Don't worry about it. I don't mind it if it's for you."


Seungmin huffed, running a hand through his hair. Deep into the cavern of his studies, he couldn't help but to be frustrated. No matter how much he looked- nothing had note of the purple eyed twins.

He jumped out of his skin, pulling his buzzing phone out of his pocket. "Damn thing." He cursed before answering it.

"Seungmin. I think I made a break through with Airis blood sample. To be sure, may I test some of your blood as well?" Byeol claimed on the other end.

"How would my blood help you?" He frowned, leaning over his journal.

"She has similar components to that of a mage. I want to compare."

"But my blood won't be that of a normal mage... and what about Miyu?"

"She doesn't know I've taken a blood sample from Airi. Unlike Airi.. I think Miyu is scared of what she might be." Byeol sighed on the other end.

"It is strange. I'll be over in an hour, is that okay?"

"Yeah, see you then."


"Heard you don't work solo anymore."

Seungmin quickly turned back, confronting the voice in his secret workshop. He let out a chuckle. "Didn't think you'd ever come to see me yourself, Majo."

The demon shrugged, taking a look around. "Well, I had to with all the fuss lately. So, what's up with those two girls?"

"And why do you think I'll tell you?" He raised a brow, closing his journal and locking it.

Deep down, the male wanted to curse and lunge towards him. Yet he knew that it wasn't in his best interest at the moment.

Majo shrugged, casually leaning against the wall. "I've been bored. I heard there was this big fight between those bratty vamps and Min. All because of these special sisters."

Seungmin scoffed. "I guess word travels fast."

"So, what's the hype? Are they really that special?"

"They are just really sweet and caring sisters, that's all. Min and Donghyun became obsessed with them. It never would have happened if you had just done your job and taken care of them and Moon." He snapped, acting as though he was busy.

"I may be a hunter but don't mistake me for those weak humans. I kill who I want. Oni is gunning after them now anyway."

With a roll of his eyes, he slowly turned to face the other male. "You think a human hunter actually stands a chance?"

"Perhaps. Let's say so. I'll keep you updated."

"No need."

Majo tried to hide his annoyance, taking a few steps closer. "You better keep a good eye on those human girls of yours. Bad things are bound to happen to Humans who hang around beings like us."

"Don't group me in with you, bastard. I don't kill innocent people."

Majo nodded. "We'll see."


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