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Sunghoon and Jake were in deep thought when suddenly Sunghoon's phone rang. The ringtone caused the two to jump startled by the sudden noise. Sunghoon the name on his screen, Haneul. Both Jake and Sunghoon composed themselves.

"It's her," Sunghoon said as he answered putting it on speaker. "Hello?" he spoke into the phone. There was a long silence before there was a loud crash heard on the other end followed by a painful scream. Sunghoon and Jake both exchanged panicked looks as they instantly recognized Haneul's cries. "What's going on?" Sunghoon asked panic. Jake urged Sunghoon to calm down so he wouldn't give away their plan. 

"Isn't she pathetic love?"' So-he asked laughing. "You should see her right now," So-he said "she looks pathetic." She murmured. 

"You can't hurt her," Sunghoon said rushed "remember what I need from her." he tried to make up an excuse "If she's hurt and weak she might not be able to sign my papers." Sunghoon said sternly.

There was another long silence as both Jake and Sunghoon anxiously waited for So-he to speak. However, all they were met with sinister laughter as Haneul begged them to stop doing whatever it was that was hurting her.

"So-he!" Sunghoon said loudly before taking a deep breath. "Love," he sighed "When can I take the papers for her to sign? I'm afraid you're having to much fun without me." Sunghoon said through gritted teeth.

"I will call you to let you know," So-he said. "I have to go now, but don't worry I will save a special treat for you." she said before hanging up.

Sunghoon began to panic after So-he hung up the phone. "What are we gonna do?" Sunghoon ask in a panic. "I think we should try and track her phone," Jake said "Why didn't I think of that earlier, if you called her then we should be able to track where the phone's at." Jake said as he opened sunghoon's laptop waiting for Sunghoon to unlock it for him. "I'm pretty sure they turned her location off." Sunghoon said unlocking the computer and watching Jake type away concentrated on the screen. "They did," Jake informed causing Sunghoon's shoulders to fall in defeat. "good thing there's other ways to ping the phone." Jake said causing Sunghoon to cling to a glimmer of hope. "Okay! "Jake exclaimed excitedly "It shows that her phone is in this area,. Jake said turning the computer to face Sunghoon.

Sunghoon was in disbelief but instantly pulled the computer closer to him analyzing the area on the map where a red dot indicated the location of the phone. "Okay, so lets go," Sunghoon began to throw on his jacket.

"w-wait," Jake stopped him. "We don't know what we're walking into." Jake said pulling him back. "If we go now they'll know that we tracked them and this whole act will go to shit." He said. "For now I think we should get the police involved," Jake suggested. "This is more than enough evidence that she's capable of hurting her and she's committed so many crimes already. We'll get something organized and ready for when So-he finally takes you to her. "  Jake said. Sunghoon was hesitant he was deep in thought. Haneul's cries for help made his eyes brim with tears but deep down he knew Jake was right. They couldn't risk it.

After Sunghoon agreed with Jake the two headed to the police station. As Sunghoon drove he felt his phone buzz. "It's a text," Sunghoon said "It's an address." He said handing his phone over to Jake.

"We need to hurry."  Jake said as they hurried to the police station.

In the dimly lit room, So-he approached Haneul, who lay battered on the cold floor. Bruised and cut, Haneul pleaded desperately, her voice strained with pain. So-he's footsteps echoed on the concrete as she dismissed Haneul's pleas with a cold indifference.

"Just let me go, I'll stay away, please, So-he," Haneul implored through coughs, struggling to maintain composure. So-he, unmoved, rolled her over with a dismissive gesture, warning of Sunghoon's imminent arrival.

"Sunghoon is almost here; don't try anything stupid," So-he threatened, a chilling smile betraying her madness. "Just sign his papers, and it's over. He'll take care of you for good."

"You're crazy, you're insane!" Haneul sobbed, met with a brutal slap. Heeseung intervened, rushing to stop So-he, declaring, "That's enough!" he said as he pulled So-he off.

"Look," Heeseung began to say as he looked down at Haneul.

"I think you're going too far," Heeseung said "You said that all we were gonna do was scare her. You never said anything about beating her and torturing her let alone killing her." Heeseung said.

"You better shut it!" So-he yelled shoving Heeseung roughly. "Don't try and back out now!" She threatened pointing a finger at him. "It's what Sunghoon wants, " So-he began to say. "If her being gone is better for him," she said with an evil grin "Then she'll be gone, like she never existed." she said. 


Sunghoon's footsteps echoed on the cold concrete floor as he gripped onto a folder filled with fake documents. He was nervous that's for sure, but he tried to remain composed as he entered the building that So-he had sent the address to.

As he entered his eyes scanned the area and his breath hitched as he turned and saw a dark figure standing in the shadows. "You scared me," he said closing his eyes briefly and trying to calm his startled heart.

"I'm sorry love." So-he said with a smile plastered on her face as she stepped out of the shadow and closer to Sunghoon. "I'm so happy your here." So-he said taking his hand in hers. "Let's go get this over with," So-he said tugging him in a different direction "I can't wait for her to be gone." She murmured. 

Sunghoon followed behind So-he as they went deeper and deeper into the abandoned building. After walking down multiple dark hallways and going through a few doors So-he stopped in front of a double door. "She's in here," So-he said. "But don't worry, I've tapped her mouth shut so she doesn't scream or cry." So-he said smiling at Sunghoon like a proud child. Sunghoon just looked at her nodding his head a stern look on his face.

As they entered the dark room Sunghoon halted for a moment. There she was, her legs and arms were bound as she lay helpless on the ground. His grip on So-he's hand tightened slightly as he tried to maintain the cold and heartless facade towards Haneul. As they approched her Haneul she he could see her injuries better. She was badly bruised and had cuts with tried blood.

"What did you do to her?" He whispered under his breath.

"I just wanted to teach her a lesson,"So-he replied looking down proudly at the battered girl.

Sunghoon clenched his jaw as he got closer to her  and crouched down next to her. Haneul refused to look up at his but he could see the swollen injuries on her face.

Sunghoon patted his pockets, a part of the plan, he searched for something.

"What's wrong?" So-he asked.

"I forgot a pen," Sunghoon said as he got up continuing to search his pockets for a pen who knew he didn't have. "Do you have a pen I can use?" he asked her.

"A pen?" So-he asked dumbly "We might have one in th-, let me just go get it for you wait here." She rushed out as she scurried out of the room.

Sunghoon watched as she exited the room waiting a few seconds before turning back around quickly and crouching down next to Haneul.

His hand gently grazed her face, his eyes brimming with tears. "I'm so sorry this is happening to you," he whispered causing her to look up at him her gaze softening. He helped her sit up as he continued to caress her face moving strands of hair away from her face. "I'm gonna get you out of here," he rushed as began to explain to the plan to her.

"When she comes back, I'm gonna ask her to untie you so you can sign these." He said holding up the documents. "they're fake so don't worry." Sunghoon continued quickly untying her legs "You have to hide these so she doesn't notice." He said referring to her legs. "Can you run? You have to try okay?" he said quickly scared that So-he would come back any moment.

When she unties you I'm gonna knock her down to the floor and you have to run, I'll make sure you're out of the door before I follow." He explained. He was about to say something else but froze in place hearing a voice come from behind him.

"You're a little too kind for someone who wants her dead don't you think?" the voice said as the footsteps moved closer. Sunghoon froze before he quickly turned to face the figure moving out of the shadow.

It was Heeseung.

Chained by Expectations | Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now