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Heeseung began approaching Sunghoon and Haneul who were on the ground. He hovered over them before he spoke "I didn't want it to go this far," Heeseung said. "We were just suppose to scare you guys, you weren't suppose to get hurt." He said looking down at Haneul. 

"You could have helped her get out." Sunghoon said hatred written all over his face. 

"I couldn't," Heeseung responded quickly. "She's crazy. She's crazy over you and she'll do whatever it takes to be with you." Heeseung informed him. 

"What are you guys talking about?" they heard a voice come from behind them. So-he stood their glancing between the two guys before her gaze fell to Haneul. "Why are her legs untied?" So-he asked. Sunghoon's heart dropped as he realized the plan was about to fall apart if he didn't think quickly. "I-" Sunghoon was cut off by Heeseung "I untied her because she couldn't sit up. " Heeseung said catching both Haneul and Sunghoon by surprise.

"Why would you do that? Tie her back up," She said as she approached with the pen in her hand. "I don't want her to try and run. At least not before you get your turn to have fun." She said looking at Sunghoon.

"She's not gonna run So-he," Heeseung said "Look at her, she's weak and she's hurt." he said looking down at Haneul.

"We have to untie her hands so she can sign," Sunghoon said trying to cut the tension between Heeseung and So-he.

So-he was skeptical at first as she glanced between the three. She walked a bit closer to them reaching her hand out to give Sunghoon the pen. "Untie her," she said motioning to Heeseung. Heeseung crouched down as he began to untie Haneul. As the three focused on Haneul's hands getting free from the rope they heard a click come from behind them. 

As Sunghoon and Heeseung snapped their neck in the direction of where the noise came from they saw So-he holding a gun pointed right at Haneul. Sunghoon's face went pale, as if he had just seen a ghost. "w-where did you get that?" Heeseung asked.

"Do you guys think I'm stupid?" So-he asked with a stern face as she looked down at Haneul. "Hurry up and sign the papers." She said.

Sunghoon was slightly frozen "Put that down So-he," He said calmly "I'll get her to sign." He said as he crouched down next to Haneul.

"You think you can outsmart me, Hoonie?" she taunted, her fingers lightly tracing a pattern on his cheek. Sunghoon's expression remained cold, hiding the unease that churned within him.

"Let's play a little game," So-he suggested, rising to her feet and pulling Haneul up with her. "A game to test your loyalty, Hoonie." She grinned, revealing the sinister nature of the challenge she had in mind.

Sunghoon quickly turning and pulling So-he to the ground causing her to drop the gun as she came tumbling to the ground. Sunghoon quickly told Haneul to get up and run. Haneul tried her best but her legs were so weak that she stumbled a bit as Sunghoon struggled to keep So-he from getting up and going after her. Heeseung roughly tried to push Sunghoon off of So-he as she demanded his help. 

"So-he wait," Sunghoon said as he tried to fight off Heeseung. Finally Heeseung punches Sunghoon in the face causing him to stumble backwards a bit and So-he scrambles to grab the gun pointing it at Haneul. 

"So-he WAIT!" Heeseung yells but it's too late. The echo of a gun shot echos through the dark building. Haneul turns as everyone stands still in shock. Haneuls eyes began to brim with tears as she watch Sunghoon slowly drop to the ground. 

Then there was a sound of another loud echo. This time Haneul stumbled back a sharp pain shooting down the left side of her body.  Suddenly it felt as if everything was moving in slow motion as she felt someone slightly push past her. It was Jake. Jake's voice echoed, it seemed distant from Haneul even though he was right there. 

"Sunghoon!" Jake yelled rushing to him. Haneul frozen in the same spot watched as more people flooded the area, police they were police.

Slowly Haneul slumped to the ground realized what the situation was. "Sunghoon," she muttered still in shock. She tried to scoot closer to him but every time she moved the right side of her body shot excruciating pain throughout her body.

She slowly reached out slightly grazing his hand before Jake turned to her. his eyes slightly widened as he saw the state she was in. "Haneul!" he said helping her lay down. "You're bleeding a lot, relax they're helping him." he said trying to help the bleeding. Jake applied pressure to her wound but Ara's eyes locked on to Sunghoon. "He's okay," Jake said trying to ease her worry "probably in a lot of pain but he's okay he's conscious they're helping him." Jake continued.

Haneul began to feel lightheaded and the voices around her were beginning to fade. She kept opening and closing her eyes watching another team of police men and medics make their way over to where her and Sunghoon were laying.

There were so many things going through her head, as she looked over at Sunghoon. He gaze slowly looked over at where Heeseung was now laying being held down by police men. He was looking at her, and although he was trying to fight back against the police he held a look of empathy towards her.

Ara's eyes continued to look around as her vison began to blur. Amongst the chaos there was one person she didn't see.

She looked up at Jake who was still trying to help with her wound. "Jake," she muttered out her voice hoarse and dry. "where's So-he?" she asked causing Jake to also look around. 

He stood up looking around again. Sunghoon sensing something was wrong looked up at his bestfriend who seemed panicked "what's wrong?" he wincing as the medics applied pressure to his wound. 

Jake looking down at him decided not to worry him. His priority now should be recovering well but he couldn't help but shake the uneasy feeling. 

"Where is she?" Haneul asked herself more than anyone else one last time before everything went dark as she became unconscious.

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