14 - champagne problems ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆

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★── 𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦──★

𝐄𝐋 𝐂𝐋𝐀́𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐎 match was something different, amazing to say the least. One of the players decided to throw a party at his house. Booze flowed freely, laughter in the air, and the promise of a good time was fulfilled.

I scanned the crowded room, taking in the familiar faces of my teammates. Amidst the crowd, I caught sight of Hannah, drawing people into her orbit with her effortless personality.

The night wore on, the drinks kept pouring, as I was taking shots with Vinicius. But things took a sharp turn when I noticed Hannah start knocking back shot after shot, a little too enthusiastically. Suddenly, she went from being the composed one of the party to the wildest one there, stumbling around and slurring her words. It was clear she had indulged in one drink too many. It wasn't like Hannah to get this drunk and flirt with every guy within a three-foot radius.

I felt concerned as I watched her with the other players, her flirtation reckless. I could see the genuine thrill on her face, but there was something unsettling about the way she seemed to lose herself in the moment.

I exchanged knowing looks with some of the other players who shared my concern. They all knew Hannah well enough to recognize when something wasn't right. But tonight, she was a different person entirely, lost in champagne.

As she made her way over, her steps wobbly and her words a bit too loose, I tried to reel her in conversation to avoid her from her careless behavior, but Hannah was in her own world, dancing away.

I leaned in closer to Vinicius, so he'd hear me over the loud music. His brow furrowed,
both of us watching Hannah.

"Vinicius, man, I don't know what to do." I spoke.

Vinicius shot me a sympathetic glance containing the same worry. "I know, mate. She's off her rocker tonight."

"Yeah, but this isn't like her." I replied, running a hand along my face. "She's usually the one keeping us in check, not the other way around."

Vinicius agreed. "I think we need to get her out of here, Jude. She's not in a good place, and God knows what trouble she could get herself into if we leave her to her own devices."

I chewed on his bottom lip, weighing their options. I knew Vinicius was right, leaving Hannah to fend for herself in her current state was a recipe for disaster.

"Alright, let's do it." I said after a quick thought. "I'll get her back to my place, make sure she's safe until she sobers up."

Vinicius clapped me on the back, a gesture of solidarity and for me to get a move on. "Good call, mate. Go before she gets herself into even more trouble."

Once I got a hold of Hannah my mind raced as I wrestled with the task of getting her home safely. She was a whirlwind.

"Come on, Hannah, let's get you out of here." I told her. I looped her arm around my torso, her weight pressing against me as we stumbled toward the exit.

Hannah's laughter echoed in my ears, her drunken flirtations making his head spin more than the alcohol ever could. "You're such a gentleman Jude." She giggled, her breath warm against my neck.

I chuckled under my breath. "Yeah, yeah, just keep moving." I replied teasing but firm. I knew better than to let myself be swayed by drunken words.

"Almost there." I stated, my grip tightening around Hannah's waist as we reached the door.

After what felt like an eternity later, we stepped outside into the cool night air. With a sigh, I guided Hannah toward my car.

The flirtation only increased inside the vehicle. I clenched the steering wheel tighter, trying to keep his focus on the road ahead despite the distraction beside me.

"Hannah, come on." I said starting to get fed up. "You've had enough to drink. We need to get you home."

She seemed undeterred by my attempts to lead the talk in a more sensible direction. She nudged closer, tracing a finger along my arm, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Aw, Jude, don't be such a buzzkill." She purred, her words getting mixed up slightly. "Can't we just have a little fun?"

My jaw tightened as I fought to maintain calm. I knew that Hannah was intoxicated, that her words most likely meant nothing.

"Stop. We're not doing this, Hannah." Leaving no room for negotiation. "You're drunk, and I'm taking you home. End of story."

Hannah pouted, her expression momentarily sulky before she attempted to lighten the mood with another playful sentence I didn't pay any mind to.

Back at my place, I practically had to carry Hannah out of the car. She was all over the place, a real handful.

Once inside, I lead her to the guest bedroom, which thankfully wasn't too far from the front door. She flopped onto the bed, out like a light as soon as her head hit the pillow. I swear, that girl can sleep anywhere, anytime, no questions asked.

I tucked her in, making sure she was cozy and comfortable. She mumbled something incoherent, a little smile playing on her lips as she snuggled into the blankets. It was kind of cute, in a way, seeing her so serene after all the chaos of the night.

I turned off the light and closed the door behind me, leaving Hannah to her dreams. Hopefully she doesn't have too much of a headache tomorrow morning. Until then, she could sleep it off, and I'd keep an eye out, just in case she needed anything.

It was moments like these that reminded me why
I cared about her so much, why I was willing to put up with all her drunken shenanigans.

I went to sleep in the room next to her, with peace of mind, knowing that she was safe and sound under this roof.

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