Heated Discussion

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The second chance, like a prize to be won; it had Alastor practically foaming from the mouth. His teeth clenched shut, smile so wide it hurt. Adam, the first ever man; was back. He was now within Al’s grasp, neck ready to be easily snapped. He might’ve lashed out if a warning grip on his coat hadn’t held him in place. Lucifer’s voice was low, a whisper, undetectable to all but the keen ears of the demon, “Don’t do it. He’s not worth the trouble.”

Al disagreed immensely, however, he did like a good show. He held steady, eyeing the fallen, “Fine…” he would not do anything harsh, and instead decided to see how this would all play out.

Adam stormed up to the princess, eyes full of rage. He was a shadow of his former self, mask gone, and human face out for all to see. He looked smaller now without his cloak, and his horns were the only thing keeping any resemblance to his old stature. His eyes, now black and powerless, were filled with venom. His outfit looked like a torn preacher’s vestiment, an ironic choice given the situation. His voice did little to hide his anger, finger poking into Charlie’s face, nearly shoving her back by her nose, “You little bitches know exactly who I am! Now fix me before I fucking get brutal up in here!”

Charlie seemed to short circuit for a moment before she swallowed whatever had originally crossed her mind as she smiled sweetly, “Adam, I didn’t know they sent angels to Hell.”

“I didn’t either!” He threw up his hands with disbelief, “I didn’t fucking expect to be tossed like trash like you, but here we are!”

Lucifer growled, now prompting Alastor to keep him still so that he didn’t lash out. Charlie strangely had this handled, and Al knew better than most that she could be very compelling given the right amount of desperation. She gently wrapped herself into a forgiving hug, causing Adam to freeze where he stood, dumbfounded by the act, and even more by her words, “Well, if an angel can become a sinner, then surely a demon could be redeemed. We will find out how to send you back home, I promise!”

Then, before a further word could be spoken, Charlie’s eyes focused on her father and Alastor, causing her to spring to her feet and practically hop over, “Aw, you two are getting along!”

The men’s eyes widened, realizing that they were hand in hand, trying to hold each other back from tossing Adam back out on his ass. They were quick to rectify the situation, pulling their hands away and looking in opposite directions. Adam grumbled, “Fucking gay asses, just redeem me already, I don’t want to spend a second longer than I have to in this fucking rat’s nest.”

Charlie spun back around, now taking Adam by the arm and beginning to lead him around. He was given the full and welcoming invitation, and Al knew that he would be joining them the next day for breakfast. He felt a jolt of excitement, liking the idea of being able to pick on the very being that had almost ended his life. Lucifer looked less thrilled, however, he would never do anything that would upset Charlie. The other sinners began to chat amongst themselves about the turn of events. Cherri even mentioned the idea that maybe their long lost hero may have ended up on the flip side. The idea was certainly feeling a bit more possible now. Oh, how interesting, Al smiled.

Alastor settled himself into a broadcast, talking about the newest sinner. He loved gossiping, and spreading a smear campaign about someone he despised was something he found great joy in. He was quick to make jabs at his smaller stature, saying he had to have been trying to cover up something much smaller underneath. He knew this broadcast would likely bring in more demons to the hotel, filling more rooms, and giving him more work to do. He felt a pang of pride in his work, and having a full schedule was a good way to distract from strange feelings and keep away from having to spend too much time with Lucifer.

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