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Alastor’s face had a hard time becoming comfortable without his forced smile. He found that frowning now hurt just a little, and that his own shadow beings had evaded him near entirely. He could still ask for some of their help, but not nearly as much as before. In fact, a lot of his abilities seemed to flicker out. It was like Roo’s deal had held him in place, keeping his power from dwindling entirely. Now that her influence was gone, so was that spark. Alastor had plenty of power before they had made their deal, but the pregnancy had seemed to take it all out of him. He wondered if it was a cruel joke. He owned his own soul again, and his body, but he didn’t own his might. It was too convenient, like Michael may have planned for it to be so, as the extermination was merely hours away. 

They had eaten together again, like a family. Everyone acted as though their lives could be ending in just an hour. The remaining cannibals as well as Rosie had showed up in order to help again, as well as a crowd of other sinners who believed in the mission, and who believed in the success of their previous scuffle. They were all prepared to die.

He cursed Michael’s name over and over again as time ticked closer, his position upon the roof making the best spot to watch the frantic work of those below. Their plan would have him as far from the battle as possible, but he still kept an eye on things. That way he felt more useful than cowering away.

Lucifer had begged him to stay inside, to hide away from the fray, but he wasn’t weak. No, despite the big handicap, he felt like it was only right for him to help defend his home. If he were to stay and raise his child here, then he needed to earn the trust of his friends back. The contract he had only managed to escape having been plenty to put him in a terrible light. To be fair, that was an accurate depiction of his ideals before he fell in love. But, even with forgiveness being thrown at him, he still had to act. He had to prove his loyalty, as well as his love for his found family.

Then the timer struck zero, the tower ringing out in warning as the sky once again tore open. Alastor stood at attention, eyes scanning the army before him. It was always breathtaking to watch the Angels as they rained down upon his home. But, knowing what was on the line, Al tapped his cane upon the ground below, making what was left of his shadows protect the hotel. It wasn’t as big as before, but it was just enough to drench the walls in their inky protection. He let out a sigh, body trembling as he held in his vomit. It took a lot just to do this, but he held steady, not wanting to lower his guard. 

Lucifer was the first to draw blood from the grounds below, as he and Charlie danced around one another, bringing pain to a few Heavenly invaders. Vaggie was swift upon her feet, freeing golden blood straight from the source. Huskers and Angel worked together, as they were prone to do, their bond unbreakable. Alastor admired the carnage for a solid moment before a sound behind him brought his mind back to the present. He swiftly cocked his head back, trying hard not to lower his shields, “I knew I should have ended your fucking life.”

Adam stood there, angry eyes tearing into the demon, his form becoming too close for comfort. Al growled at him, trying to elbow the other, anything to keep him away. The trembling of his shield was enough to alert Lucifer of the trouble, but before he could spring into action, he was thrown to the ground, Lute having taken advantage of the distraction. Adam now had Alastor in his grip, tearing him away from his station, causing the shield to fail. 

Al fought back, pushing at his captor, cursing his name. But it was of no use, as Adam suddenly lifted him up, and as they reached the edge of the roof, he laughed maniacally, “Say hi to Lute for me, bitch!” 

He then threw the demon’s form down. He fell. He fell and Lucifer would not be able to catch him. He fell. Then he felt the impact, hard, shattering. The ground was unforgiving as his breath had escaped him.

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