Full House

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The air in the hotel buzzed ever so loudly, lively as ever. A large group of sinners lined up through the lobby and down the block, arguing with one another for a chance at redemption, and furthermore, a room in the hotel. Alastor, with baby Dot strapped to him via sling, worked fast to fill out information cards of all the upcoming winners; careful not to let his child bite or bother potential guests. He admitted at least sixty if not more before Vaggie took his place so that he could have a moment's rest. Without complaining, the former sinner sat on a nearby chair so that he could still keep an eye on things, transfixed by the chaos.

It took an hour before the sinners calmed down, their rooms assigned until they had completely filled up. Alastor managed to count it, finding that the population of the hotel had sprang up to a hefty five hundred. He blinked at the idea, mouth dry as he pondered the breakfasts he would have to make, or the cleaning that would be left to do. He considered calling in a few more favors, but seeing as he hardly had control of his own being, he hardly could consider asking someone to spend their time waiting on the trash of Hell just for the fun of it.

He sighed, finally peeling his eyes away, their view filled with a sweet smile. He smiled back, pressing his forehead down and into his fawn's, who chirped happily much like his father often had. He pet the child's hair, humming so softly to him, which made the baby wag his little tail a few times as he listened. He still seemed to love the vibrations above most things, as he moved his head to press more into Alastor's neck, like the reverberations were pleasant to his little soul.

Vaggie was now chasing off the remainder of the sinners who didn't manage to get a room. They tried to fight back, but she simply pointed to Alastor, threatening to sick him on them. With that they cowered away with ease, which made Al frown. He certainly wouldn't have minded a bit of a bite of a few sinners, but his reputation had only increased as the word of the downfall of the Vee's had spread. So these days no one would dare to mess with the mother of the king's spawn. How boring.

Every last sinner left the lobby now, all but for one, who was still at the door. She had stood there for the longest time, as though checking in wasn't her priority. Al knew who she was immediately, but he had left her be, figuring that despite her ability, that she was not intending on causing any trouble to anyone within the building. Though, as she was now the last loiter, Charlie had noticed her, and with naivety she walked on over, smile big but a bit frazzled, "I'm so sorry! Once we get some souls on their way we will surely have more rooms open up!"

The woman tilted her head at the girl, her eyes dazed, unfocused, "I see..." She then looked towards Alastor again, seeming to actually be looking at him instead of through him, "I happen to be a family friend. Certainly wouldn't do any good turning me away. I'm sure Alastor would agree."

Al hated being the scapegoat for the woman once again, but he simply shrugged, pressing his face into his baby's hair, "Let her have my old bedroom. I haven't used it since I set myself up in the radio tower."

Charlie opened her mouth to argue, but then quickly shut it, realization filling her eyes as she spun towards the woman, her gaze darting all over the body she had taken on, "Wait... are you Roo?"

"I guess I should try better forms from now on." The woman replied with a bit of disgust, her own eyes not bothering to look at Charlie, still looking right through her, "I will be heading to my room. Do not bother me."

"But... Do you actually want to be redeemed?" Charlie asked, not sure if the woman could even be sent to Heaven as she did not appear to be an average sinner.

"I want many things." Her tone broke a little, voice splitting in multiple, which made Alastor's ears flutter, the familiarity of it maddening him, "I will stay... What happens after happens because it was supposed to. Goodbye, princess, please refrain from speaking to me in the future."

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