Busy Day

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The next few days were a daze, chaos following the mass check-in. Alastor had never had so much to do before. He found himself passing Dot around as he ran from one end of the hotel to the other in order to fix various problems. He had never thought he would be made into a proper working man, but this business certainly could be something when it was booming. He hardly had time to brush his hair with his claws after having to fix a sink in one of the cannibals rooms, they had tried to dissolve bodies with acid down their drain; and with a sigh, he dug Lucifer’s ribbon from his pocket once more, using it to tie back his ever growing hair. The curls were getting annoying, but something about the way Lucifer had played with them made his confidence boost, and therefore they were to stay. Once he was presentable he again took off.

Husk and Angel watched the baby together, so he had very little worries about the child’s safety or needs. Which was great given the times, as he had hardly made it to his tower to make his broadcast. Once he sat, he sunk down, frazzled momentarily until he straightened his spine and pressed the on switch. 

He would announce to the denizens of Hell that the hotel was still full up. Then he would advertise some of the sinner’s works, as some had banned together to build furniture as part of their rehabilitation. Something about Amish ingenuity or something like that. Sassily he just said that he didn’t know what the Irish had to do with anything, but he bet that the tables would be nice and sturdy since the wood came straight from the king’s magical trees he had planted in their new garden in the back. 

Leaning back in his chair once more, he played jazz, the song reminiscent of his first ever meeting with Lucifer. Upbeat but the lyrics had a cut throat spin to them, his favorite kind of tune. He hummed along for a long time before he managed to make himself stand, sharp pain in his lower back reminding him how he really should try to take it easier on himself. But, part of him remembered how easy he had taken the few months he had been pregnant, and tiredly, his hand ran over his flat stomach, as though he were trying to relive some of the sensation again. It had been over too quickly, he sighed, leaning against the countertop of his kitchenette as he dreamily looked at the wallpaper. Both hands flattened his shirt now, one finger rubbing the spot on his heartline where the angelic ring had once sat. Lucifer’s ring would surely be much better, and much prettier upon that finger. He smiled at the idea, face reddening as he imagined a grand proposal. He bit his lip, closing his eyes tight. Then he left out a long shaky sigh, letting his hands relax against his stomach once more, “I could use a drink.”

Ideas formed as he agreed with himself. He hadn’t had a sip of alcohol since Dot had blessed him, and with the gift of being able to experience drunkenness again, he decided to spread the joy some more.

Husker liked the freedom he had been given under the new circumstances. Ever since the baby had been born he had been left to his own devices, and a part of him knew that things were infinitely different now that he had saved the baby and Alastor from that explosion. He kept wiping and drying the same glass over and over again, mouth pulled tight as he was lost in thought. 

One of the newer sinners called for a refill, and without too much trouble he was served. Then Husker poured one for his master, feeling his presence as it grew closer. Said former demon slid into his favorite spot, claws tapping on the bar. The bartender could feel the tension in the air, but he tried to act casual, placing the drink in front of his master, speaking in his low tone, “What’s got you all worked up?”

Al was exhausted, too tired to hold it in anymore, his lips moving without much input from his brain, “I’m getting married.” He managed to say in a hushed tone, his frequency shrieking a little as he shifted in his seat.

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