Domestic Lives

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It was hard to contain every pang of need. The hunger pains never seemed to dissipate, especially when they shared a room with one another. The fever, ever present, was unforgiving, and the former sinner found himself slipping harder and harder daily. His hair remained unkempt, no time given to his appearance, his disheveled button up being the only semblance of himself. He laid face down in his nest, face pressed into one of Lucifer’s stuffed ducks, breathing in deeply as the devil’s scent covered its soft exterior. The former sinner had torn the room to shreds trying to contain himself, but things were destroyed and he had felt no better. Now with nothing left to do, he began to try other ways to let out his frustrations. 

He shuddered to himself, his hand feverishly working his own need in order to reach release. He had hardly done this even before, so he was unpracticed, and when he would have had done this in the past he would have his shadows do his dirty work, but desperation was making him spiral out of control. He just couldn’t get himself to finish, frustration mounting as his need made his stomach twist in the worst ways. 

He reached back trying to stimulate himself a bit better, but even his fingers weren’t as helpful, as they easily moved past his entrance thanks to the slick he pooled. He tried to change positions, sitting up against the headboard he spread himself open as best as he were able, toying with his insides with three fingers as he shakily stroked his length. Desperate whimpers escaped his throat, the feeling of release finally starting to build. But it never came, he was left nearly raw with emotion, tears stinging his dazed eyes. 

Finally, he gave up, sitting uselessly as he stopped trying. He gripped the bottom of his shirt, tugging it down to cover himself, shame filling his cheeks with a deep red hue, his ears fluttering as he heard his lover in the other room, a growl escaping his sore throat. He wanted to tear down the door, and wanted to throw caution to the wind. To give up control, like Lucifer had said before, he wanted to belong to his needs for an evening. His mind spun, his teeth biting into his lip, drawing blood as he tried to process his needs. Then he gave up on further deliberation, it was time to give in to his heat.

The man managed to slowly get to his hooves, and like a predator stalking its prey, he snuck over to the door, hand lingering on the door handle for the longest time until he could no longer stand the wait. He threw open the door suddenly, the loud bang nearly causing his lover to fall off of the couch, as he had been watching a movie. 

The devil looked over at his lover, having jumped up and readied himself for a fight if it had been required, “Whoa- what’s wrong? I thought you were having alone time?”

“You!” Al pointed at the king, his form shifting a bit to look intimidating, horns grown as his radio static howled, “Bedroom now!”

Lucifer’s cheeks flushed red, a coy smirk forming on his features, “Oh- someone can’t contain himself anymore, huh?” The smell of Al’s heat filled the living room with ease, as it spilled from the room he had shut himself up in for the past day.

Al grew more serious, baring his fangs as he again pointed towards the king and then towards the nest, stalking into the hot room as a final warning.

The king followed orders, walking into their bedroom with a chuckle, “I need you too, my love. I haven’t touched myself in days just in case you changed your mind. Though, I hope you know I don’t intend on holding back. You’ve been such a tease the past week.”

“Shut up.” Alastor’s ear fluttered with annoyance as he pushed the king onto the mattress, pulling himself up and onto his lap pressing him down by his shoulders, “I don’t require commentary.”

“Awe, but you love my babbling.” Lucifer grew very excited, not used to Al taking charge of their bedroom activity, his pants already straining to contain him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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