Dreams of Blackmail

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The hotel felt oddly calm over the next few days. Lucifer and Alastor did not fight, nor did they kill Adam. This was amazing for Charlie, who was able to concentrate more on her work now that civil wars stopped being waged in the dining room. She had received word from Emily about another court appearance to be made, so she had a lot more freedom to get her notes together. 

Al had noticed that, other than occasional hand holds and flirtatious words, Lucifer seemed content. He did not try anything to directly get under his skin, nor his clothes. It was like waiting for an explosion. Rather thrilling if not unnerving. He didn't mind the gentlemanly approach, but he did mind the hunger that had set in. Everyday he felt it swelling worse and worse. Sinner’s meat doing little to help satisfy him. Hell, he thought he used to know what being satisfied felt like. Turned out he didn't know shit compared to the bliss of dining on divine blood. The thought made his stomach growl, but he would not be the first one to beg for seconds. He would not allow such indecency. 

Every passing day was like a lesson in patience. Something Alastor had perfected on a normal occasion if it were not for the nagging bitemark. It burned and reminded him daily of the sins he wished to commit. Hell, he was just glad his coat covered his flesh, as he even noticed Adam trying to pry into his personal business. Overly friendly, stuck to him like a cavity from the sweetest of desserts. The crunching leaves came to be associated with his ever growing presence. Just what Al needed, another fanboy.

Lucifer did flash a bit of jealousy on occasion when it came to the other fallen. He would often pull him away from the demon in order to keep them away from one another. Al thought it was sweet if not hilarious. He would even go out of his way to elicit such reactions. 

The day Charlie left on her trip back to heaven was one of busy sinners. Al had made a large congratulatory breakfast, and Lucifer even made the muffins so that Al wouldn’t put anything weird in them. Adam seemed to pout a bit extra, seeming jealous that he was not the one who was being taken to Heaven. However, his newest behavior still overtook his envy, as he seemed to cozy up to Al and compliment his cooking rather than complain.

Lucifer’s eye twitched, glaring at the sinner with complete disdain, his voice a bit louder than Adam’s had initially, “Haha- yeah, he’s such a great cook. You should shut the fuck up.” He warned him with a fork pointed at him with a not so subtle threat of violence. 

“Whoa, dad, what’s gotten into you?” Charlie sat at attention, hand flying to quickly disarm her father.

Once his fork had been taken Lucifer grumbled, bending down and running his tongue over his plate, an awkward display that even gave Al second hand embarrassment as the king sat up with a smirk, “It was delicious! Thanks Al.”

Charlie sighed, but decided not to scold her father further, as he at least was still getting along with Alastor. Said demon just sipped his coffee, trying not to laugh at the display. As breakfast came to a close the girls gathered their things and soon entered the portal, ready to again stress the importance of redemption to those too high and mighty to hear about it. 

Once the princess and her little girlfriend left, Al strode to the bar, deciding to pour himself a little bit of something more spicy into his coffee. Normally he would not drink so early in the day, but he felt like celebrating how well things were going lately. Sitting at the bar, he nursed the mug with a happy hum before he finally brought it to his lips. His nose caught the smell before he tasted it, and quickly the mug was slammed back onto the counter, his face turned away in disgust. Husk noticed the oddity, now picking up the bottle Al had chosen, looking at the label, “Huh, must have gone sour. Never seen ya turn down a drink before.”

Angel sat next to the demon, taking the bottle himself to take a swig. He tasted it for a moment, eyebrows furrowed, “Nah, tastes fine to me.”

“It most certainly isn’t fine.” Al could barely contain a little growl that sat at the edge of his voice, “You really should be keeping better stock my old pal.”

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