The Tango

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Alastor’s condition was fast to heal once his body had what it needed. He didn’t really like the stinkiness left on, or even inside of him, but that part was a small price to pay when it came to breaking the curse. He felt a little cheated, feeling like things were a bit too easy. Sure, he got rid of that nagging fever, but now he had to come to terms with the fact that Lucifer had another thing over his head. The warm water of his bath did little to calm the mixture of emotions, and his sweet scented shampoo was the only thing that really distracted his senses. “It was too easy…” He muttered to himself a few times, practically pacing back and forth in his mind.

What would Lucifer want now? What on Earth could Al give him in return? These anxieties circled his mind as he began to scrub his skin. Then he tensed, his neck on fire. Sucking in a sharp breath, his fingers traced the bitemark. The sensation was heavenly, making that heat almost return instantly. Frightened, Al’s hand quickly escaped, not wanting to trigger himself once more. He gritted his teeth, trying to force the wound to close. Normally simple bites or scratches were easy. This was no normal or simple mark. It didn’t budge, and instead, it faintly glowed a golden hue before settling back. He had never seen such a reaction. Even his chest had been different, and now he feared that this mark would also somehow end his career in the underworld.

Just when he thought things were bound to calm down, “Fuck…” the deer growled in annoyance.

He was getting really sick of being the damsel in distress.

Lucifer was sassed about missing breakfast, then he was scolded for his dress from Charlie’s more bold girlfriend. Truth be told, the devil had forgotten about his torn shirt. He could have simply fixed it with his magic, but it hadn’t even crossed his mind. Charlie even wondered out loud who he had gotten in a fight with, gesturing towards his bloodied collar. “Hey, I look much better than the other guy.” Lucifer said, not knowing that it made the situation look worse.

Honestly, if it wasn’t for Adam’s loud yell in frustration down the hall, the two girls would have assumed the worst between Lucifer and the new fallen angel. “Why the fuck do I keep stepping on leaves in here, damnnit?!”

Everyone looked at him with surprise, seeing a few more stray leaves falling from beneath his oversized shirt that had been given to him by Angel. Charlie’s mouth pulled tight, eyes wide, her words leaving her almost entirely. Husk, who had just exited his own bedroom, smirked at the newest resident, “Ah, so that’s where the leaves are. That depiction of the bible really makes sense now.”

“What depiction? What did you pussies do to me now?” The sinner was turning red with embarrassment.

Now everyone couldn’t help but laugh as another pile fell out from underneath. Vaggie was partially glad to see his suffering, “Man, Alastor is missing out.”

“Fuck him too!” Adam screamed.

Lucifer stopped laughing, growing a bit pale as he realized that he had kinda run out on the other man. He pulled at the collar of his shirt, already running scenarios through his head about how the demon was going to react to his presence once he returned. Damn, he really was gonna get it in their next meeting, wasn’t he?

Charlie noticed her father’s expression, smiling softly at him as though she was trying to read his mind, “You can tell him all about it when he comes back. He never takes long trips.”

Lucifer’s expression softened, “Thanks duckie, I know he doesn’t. Hell, he’ll be back before we know it.”

“Exactly.” Charlie nodded reassuringly.

His little girl didn’t know that her pestering was part of the reason that Lucifer even cared about the demon. She didn’t know how far things had gotten. But of course, the devil had never really seen himself fucking a sinner just for shits and giggles. Like, sure, he at first was just kinda helping the demon so that his fever would not kill him again, but now he already craved more attention. His loneliness throughout the years had seemed to have caught up with him, that was all it was, surely.

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