The Trial

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Alastor had never felt so sick in his entire afterlife, his whole body shuddering as he sat hugging a trash can to his form. The constant waves of illness, plus a fever had been ill timed to say the least. They had one more day to prepare for their hearing. One day to make a case for their unborn child. Alastor even found that his spit no longer appeared black, which was surely thanks to dehydration. 

He finally pulled himself away from his new little friend, which had done worlds more for him than the old dumpster fire he used to hang out with, leaving the trash can where it was supposed to be by the toilet. 

He stood, looking into the mirror, grabbing Lucifer's toothbrush unashamedly as he began to clean his teeth with it. Said devil had left to get their new suits, as they had to look good in order to not get chased out immediately. Al’s clawed hand lifted a strand of hair from his face, noting how long his hair had suddenly gotten. He would’ve chopped at it like usual, but drained as ever, he simply began to put it up, tying it with one of Lucifer’s ribbons that he kept for his hat. It was golden, and it looked rather fitting in his mess of scarlet hair. He hummed, liking the look a bit better than he originally thought that he would, then he finally spat into the sink before taking a long drink of water. 

Satisfied, the demon dried his face with his sleeve, eyes scanning himself once more. He was looking more dark in the face, almost sunkissed, like he had before the fatal shot that took his life. His ears flattened against his scalp, Al’s eyes next to be seen. They looked tired, which was to be expected, but now he could notice that the red had dulled significantly. The irises nearly black. 

He hummed curiously, deciding that the sickness that he had been feeling had to be playing tricks with his physical form. He shook his head, smiling wide with a sigh; now turning to leave the small room and climb into the devil’s bed. He buried his face into the pillow his lover often used, enjoying the scent, purring gently as his soft jazz played. He hardly noticed that his partner walked in, but a comforting hand on his back brought him back to reality, though he did not move just yet, “Welcome home, darling.”

“You seem to be feeling a bit better.” Lucifer cooed, kissing his partner’s ear, enjoying the tickle of his fuzz upon his lips, “How is our little hellspawn?”

“Fussy, but they are royalty. We’re lucky they don’t dabble in possession, yet.” Al tutted, turning so that his stomach could be freed from the mattress. 

It had grown a lot in just a week, like the gestation had sped up. Alastor did not entirely remember how long humans remained pregnant, but he understood that Lucifer had only carried Charlie for six months. He felt like their little spawn would not be able to wait as long, “Unless they have. I wouldn’t doubt it with how much I vomited an hour ago. I’d be surprised if they haven’t eaten all of my guts. I feel so entirely empty.”

Lucifer laughed, a sorry look in his eyes, a silent apology, “That’s our baby! Strong enough to leave the great radio demon on his ass!”

“They had better quit before we will have to ground them freshly from the womb.” Alastor chuckled dryly, hands rubbing his ever extending frame, “Or make them pay rent. Whichever comes first.”

Lucifer sat next to him, laughing as he had, “Fuck, I remember how Charlie was! I swear she was jumping on my bladder! Like fuck, calm the Hell down!”

Al snorted, sitting up to hug onto his lover, pressing their faces together in a few kisses. Lucifer enjoyed every one of them, humming happily as he spoke, “Do you think Heaven will love you as much as I do?”

“Doubtful.” Al replied, a fond look in his eyes.

“So, do you love me more than yourself?” Lucifer hummed into the Demon's neck.

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