The "Ruin" Contract

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Time, as it often does, flew by. Al’s body held up well considering the excess weight he had put on, though his back was basically breaking whenever he dared to do anything for himself. He was much more willing on most days to just laze around and let himself be coddled by his lover. Though, both knew that soon this reprieve would never last. Lucifer had brought up Michael’s words more than once, but Alastor shot him down, unwilling to discuss his past in too much detail. Whenever pressed further, he would not talk for hours, instead tuning into the radio, listening to his own melodies in order to drown out any further questions. 

Lucifer knew very well the challenge of trying to pry things from his lover. He had even enlisted the help of his daughter and her girlfriend, but they were relative strangers compared to himself when it came to the demon. Then, out of full desperation, as the slaughter was looming ever close; Lucifer turned to the other overlords. Rosie was the first to respond to the pleas for help, as she was the closest to a friend Alastor had since dying. She knew more than anyone about his condition, but she didn’t dare say too much. Instead, she sat at his bedside, being a good friend, and reassuring the demon. 

“Come on, Al, you know your sweetheart better than that. He would never judge who you sold your soul too. Hell, he would be fast to help you. You know how dear you are to him.” Rosie hummed to the man, currently keeping her hands busy as she was knitting a little blanket for the child.

“I don’t like talking about it.” Alastor replied, eyes on the ceiling as his music began to turn up more loud, as to drown out their conversation. 

Rosie laid back on his legs, bringing him out of the hole he was digging for himself, “I know, hun. But it’s important to be open with the ones that we love. You don’t want to start off this family on the wrong hoof.”

Alastor looked down at her, hardly able to see her past his stomach. He sighed, rubbing the rounding mass, finding the flutters of movement to be a bit of motivation, “What if we can’t break the contract?”

“Then we will figure something out. We aren’t powerless, darling, you know that as well as anyone.” Rosie reassured him, her face pressing into his stomach as she spoke.

Alastor’s nerves were still getting the best of him, but Michael’s words still haunted his mind, replaying over and over. He had to listen, he had to regain full autonomy of himself. He had to finally break this curse.

After a while, Alastor looked up towards the ceiling, breath leaving him as he managed to finally speak once more, “Tell him. I will not dare speak her name.”

“Of course, sweetheart.” The woman sat up, then stood, giving him a small smile as she began towards the door, “I am so proud of you, love. I hope you know that.”

“Yeah… Yeah…” Al’s cheeks flushed red, his hand waving dismissively. 

Rosie knew he took her words to heart, and so she felt very little need to press him anymore. What he did was brave, and strong, and fully reasonable for the heroics the hotel had called for. She didn’t believe in the mission, but she couldn’t argue with the results. 

Lucifer sat up straight when the woman entered the little kitchenette that sat next to the bedroom, Charlie and Vaggie looked over, surprised that the woman had been so fast to return to them. The devil practically bounced, hands clapped together with excitement, “Please tell me that he’s gonna spill it! We have to figure this out pronto!” 

“He has agreed to let me tell you.” She nodded, folding her arms in front of her, eyes full of indescribable worry, though there was a twinkle of hope in those empty sockets, “The owner of Al’s soul is an ancient force in Hell. I am sure you have heard her name.” The woman breathed in, righting her nerves before it finally spilled out of her, “Roo.”

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