Chapter 9

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Asad stomped into the house with a very bad expression, his eyes spitting fire like a dragon. No one will try to come his way, the maids run to save their lives, so as Halima who hides herself in her room. The house was eerily quiet as if no one lived inside. Just when he was about to pass through the living room, he came in contact with his mum. She stood in front of him, staring at him. "Where is she," he questioned her instead, his eyes wandering around the house just catching a glimpse of her.
"She is asleep" She half lied, trying to save her daughter in-law. From her tone he can detect she was lying, he tries to side step her but she calls him back. "Don't wake her up"
"I know she isn't asleep, I need to teach this girl a lesson." He works ahead to climb up the stairs.

"Asadullah, please be lenient on this girl. Let her be '' she yelled at his back but he didn't give her a listening ear. He just kept mounting the stair, his long legs skipping two stairs at a time. She sighed, taking a seat on the sofa. She can't keep up with this young couple, none of them was trying back up for the other. Asad wasn't the one to play with and Inara was stubborn and strong-headed. She likes to dare him by doing what he doesn't like doing. She wasn't trying to take sides, she was looking out for them. They already started a family, they have to keep that arrogance and pride aside and Concentrate into building their home but no.

Asad barged into the room, his eyes falling on Inara who was pacing around, going back and forth in the room, muttering curses under her breath. When she turned around, she froze in her spot. Her eyes widened in fear, she started trembling without her knowing. Her eyes stuck out, staring at Asad without blinking.

She took a step back when she felt him walking inside. As he steps in, she takes back. She didn't stop until her back hit the wall behind her, she was startled when she found no way to escape. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the inner room which was adjacent to her surroundings. Before she could think of running there, Asad was standing in front of her. With so much proximity, half a foot between them. She could feel his warm breath fanning her face, his strong cologne suffocating her. She could feel goosebumps all over her body, her knee weakness causing her feet to wobble.

"Haven't I warned you?" He questioned, looking at her in the eyes, he could see a glint of fair inside but he chose to ignore. He needs to put her in her place. He was quiet doesn't mean she has the ability to do what she wanted. She can't continue to seek for his rage, because he was like a ticking bomb about to burst at any time. She needs to stay away from him. "Haven't I warn you go stay in you please" she remained quiet, mustering all the courage she had even though she was nothing but an ant In Front of him. And that angered him the most, knowing she was at fault but still trying to be sure how confident and courageous she can be.

"You can't dictate my life Asad, you can't just trap me inside this hole and expect me to sit still. I'm not staying here like a prisoner, I have a life outside. This is not just me!" She yelled on his face, her courage was evanescence with each glower genset her. She was so chilled from the start . She could not tell where she got that confidence from but she liked it.

"HOW DARE YOU" he roared, his voice ringing in her brain. His fisted hand slapped the wall behind her, so close to her face. Her eyes close tightly at their own accord, her whole body trembling in fear. tears filled up her eyes without her knowing. "How dare you try to run away from this house," He asked again, his voice calm a little. "With whose permission," he questioned again. He was busy in his office, trying to sort out a deal with some foreigner when he got alerted by his guard about what she was about to do. She tries to escape through the back door which was locked and abandoned since the house was built. It was never o use that's why no one remote about it but that doesn't mean there is not much security through the way. A lot of CC cameras were hidden around the place and from that, he saw the footage where Halima guided her to the way. He couldn't wait to teach his sister a great lesson she will never forget but first, he had to deal with this little cat.

"I don't need your permission if I want to go out" she glared at him, "I can do wha_" she was forced to keep shut when a loud striking sound pierced her ears. She has to close her ears with her palms to avoid it aecting her brain. After a moment of silence, with only their heavy breathings in the room. She squinted her eyes, slowly. Her eyes set on his deep green eyes. Seething in rage. Her hand unknowingly placed on her tummy in a protective way, her whole body trembling in fear.
"Damn it" He hued in resentment when he saw that, he stepped back, rocking his hand on his well trimmed hair. He turned around, stomping out of the room leaving her miserable state on the ground, crying helplessly.

He really regrets approaching her that way, his anger gets in the way and he almost forgets about the baby in her belly. He forgot that she was carrying his child when he shouted at her. Restlessly, he went down the stairs, castdown. He actually doesn't want to hurt her or his child, but she is so stubborn to get that into her thick skull. Regy both know he has a hot temper but she never thinks twice before she presses that button. And that's why he decided to let her stay at his mother's place before things fall in the right direction.

Absent-mindedly, he dismounted the last step, he was about to clash with his mother when he regained his composure. She was in a hurry to go meet them there when she heard them quarreling. She has to step in before things go haywire. Seeing his expression, she held his wrist and dragged him to the lounge, sitting him down on the sofa placed there.

"Don't act when you're angry, I always say that to you" she reminded him. His hand was still in her hand, stroking it to calm him down.

"You have to let go, let bygones be bygones. Hmm" she coaxed him.

"Mama, I can't continue to act like nothing happened. I can't just overlook what she did to me" He voices out, leaning back on the sofa. He was achingly tired, his back was sore. He was overworking himself, trying to forget about all the shackles happening in his life. "Look how tired you look, not just because of work, you're not happy yourself. Forgot everything, take your wife back home and build your home." She looked at him worriedly.
"Don't forget, she is pregnant with your child. Be lenient on her, don't talk to her harshly. If not because of me, because of your child" she smiles softly at him.

"Mama," he called out. He can do anything for, no matter what it is. She didn't have to blackmail him into doing things both of them know is not the best solution.

"And don't restrict her movement. She is free to go everywhere she wants, she is your wife not a slave. And talk to her, Communication is the key to solve any problem. I don't want to hear anything. Go back to that room and cradle her" she ordered before walking out of the lounge leaving him in daze.

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