Chapter 39

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You can only imagine how heart-wrenching that moment must have been for Asad. As he held onto Inara's lap, tears streaming down his face, he poured his heart out, sharing the pain and regret that consumed him. Earlier that day, he received a call from his sister who told him that his mother was admitted to the hospital. He rushed to the hospital but what awaits him has his heart broken into pieces. It was like his world crumbled down on him when his mother took her last breath.
In that vulnerable moment, Asad realized the weight of his mother's hints about her impending death. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and his world crumbled before him. The realization hit him like a tidal wave, overwhelming him with grief and the weight of missed opportunities.
As he sobbed, Asad recounted the conversations he had with his mother, the subtle messages she had been trying to convey. She had told him that he would only become a grown man when she was no longer there, but he had failed to truly understand the depth of her words until this very moment.

Regret washed over Asad, as he wished he had cherished every moment with his mother, listened more closely to her wisdom, and understood the significance of her hints. The pain of losing her became intertwined with the realization that he would never have the chance to fully comprehend her message or make amends for lost time.
Inara held Asad tightly, providing a comforting presence as he grieved. She listened, oering solace and understanding, knowing that sometimes words are not enough to heal a broken heart. In that moment, their bond grew stronger, as they navigated the depths of sorrow together.

Asad's tears flowed uncontrollably, his sobs echoing through the room. Inara, with her gentle touch, enveloped him in a comforting embrace. She held him close, her soothing words like a balm to his wounded heart.
Asad's cries were raw and unfiltered, his anguish pouring out in waves. Inara listened intently, oering words of comfort and empathy, her voice a steady anchor amidst the storm of his emotions. She understood the depth of his loss and the profound impact it had on him.

In those moments of vulnerability, Inara held space for Asad's pain, allowing him to grieve without judgment or interruption. She patiently waited for his tears to subside, oering her unwavering support as he navigated the overwhelming waves of sorrow.

Asad's cries eventually softened, his breathing steadying as he found solace in Inara's presence. She gently wiped away his tears, her touch tender and filled with compassion. In that moment, their connection deepened, as they shared the weight of his grief together.

Inara whispered softly, her voice filled with love and understanding. She reassured Asad that it was okay to let his emotions out, to release the pain that weighed heavily on his soul. With each tear that fell, Inara's presence provided a safe space for him to express his grief.

Inara's calming presence and unwavering support helped Asad find a semblance of peace amidst the storm of his emotions.

"It's okay, Asad," Inara said softly. "Let it out. I'm here for you."
Asad's cries grew louder, his body shaking with the weight of his emotions. Inara wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly as he let his grief pour out.
"Why didn't I listen, Inara?" Asad choked out between sobs. "I had so many chances to mend things with my mom, but I didn't realize what she was trying to tell me until it was too late."

Inara listened attentively, her heart breaking for her friend. She knew how hard Asad had been working, the long hours and non-stop demands of his job. She understood the pain of missed opportunities and the regret that comes with it.

"You couldn't have known, Asad," Inara reassured him. "Sometimes life gets in the way, and we don't always see the signs until it's too late. But your mom knew how much you loved her, even if you didn't fully understand her hints."

Asad's tears continued to flow, but with Inara by his side, he felt a sense of comfort. Inara stayed with him, oering her support and understanding as he navigated the depths of his grief.
In that moment, their bond grew stronger. Inara's presence was a beacon of light in Asad's darkest hour, reminding him that he was not alone in his pain.

Together, they sat in silence, the weight of their shared sorrow filling the room. Inara held Asad's hand, a silent promise that she would be there for him every step of the way.

As the tears subsided and a sense of calm settled over Asad, he looked at Inara with gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you for being here for me, Inara," he said softly. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Inara smiled warmly, her eyes filled with compassion. "You don't have to go through this alone, Asad. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
And in that moment, Asad knew that he had found a true wife in Inara, someone who would support him through the darkest of times. "Do you what she do before she died?" He asked with a hint of amazement in his voice. Inara shakes her head in no.

"She got Halima married to her doctor on her sick bed."Inara grasped, taking in the information.

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