Chapter 16

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Your time start now!🥰

Inara had just finished her warm-up stretches when she glanced across the room and saw Asad entered the gym, wearing a fitted workout outfit and carrying a gym bag over his shoulder, he walked ahead stepping onto the treadmill. A look of surprise crossed her face as she hadn't expected to see him there. They hadn't seen each other in a while, so this unexpected reunion brought a smile to her face.
Asad, too, was taken aback by the sight of Inara in the gym. He had always known her as someone who enjoyed art and culture, so seeing her in workout gear was quite the surprise. But he couldn't deny that she looked radiant and full of energy.

Curiosity piqued, Inara approached Asad with a friendly wave and a playful grin. "Asad, fancy meeting you here! I didn't know you were into fitness too," she exclaimed.

Asad chuckled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Well, Inara, it seems we both have hidden sides to us. Who would have thought we'd cross paths in a gym of all places? What brings you to this gym?"
Inara gestures to the treadmill nearby, " I usually come here to do some cardio and clear my mind. It's a great way to start the day."

Asad nods, " That's true. I've recently taken up weightlifting to build strength. It's been quite a journey."
Inara seam was impressed hearing that. "That's wonderful, Asad. It takes dedication and discipline to pursue such goals. I admire your commitment."

Asad was grateful for the compliment, "thank you, Inara. It hasn't been easy, but it's definitely worth it."
They exchanged a few more pleasantries before Inara boldly suggested, "Hey, since we're both here, why don't we work out together? It could be fun to catch up while breaking a sweat." embracing a sporty and athletic ensemble. She was clad in high-waisted leggings in a vibrant color. On top, she sports a fitted athletic tank with a motivational slogan. To complete the look, she ties a lightweight jacket around her waist and laces up a pair of sleek running shoes.
Asad grinned, liking the idea. "I couldn't agree more, Inara. Let's do it!"
They made their way to the weights area, where they started with some light dumbbell exercises. As they lifted weights and chatted between sets, they discovered shared interests they hadn't known about before. Inara shared stories of her recent art exhibitions, while Asad talked about his passion for traveling and trying dierent cuisines.
Time flew by as they moved from one exercise to another, encouraging each other along the way. Inara's determination and focus impressed Asad, and he found himself pushing beyond his usual limits to keep up with her.

Asad and Inara head towards the weightlifting area, engaging in friendly banter and encouraging each other throughout their workout. Their body language exudes determination and enthusiasm as they challenge themselves, creating a bond through their shared fitness journey.
Between sets, they took short breaks to catch their breath and continue their conversation. Inara mentioned her fascination with oil paintings and how she loved exploring art galleries to admire the works of famous artists. Asad, intrigued by her interest, shared his own experiences visiting art museums during his travels, recalling the breathtaking masterpieces he had encountered.

Inara and Asad continued their conversation, discussing their shared love for art and oil paintings. Asad couldn't help but suggest that they visit an art gallery together, where they could immerse themselves in the beauty of the masterpieces.

"Hey Inara, since we both appreciate art and oil paintings so much, how about we take our passion to the next level and visit an art gallery? It would be amazing to see the brushstrokes and colors up close!" Asad suggested.
"Oh, Asad, that's a fantastic idea! I've always wanted to explore dierent art styles and discover new artists." She nodded along, "Going to an art gallery with you sounds like the perfect way to do that." She agreed.

"Absolutely! We can spend hours wandering through the gallery, discussing our favorite paintings and the stories they tell. It'll be a chance to appreciate the talent and creativity of artists from all around the world." He said, handing her a bottle from his bag.
"I couldn't agree more, Asad. It's fascinating how each painting can evoke dierent emotions and spark our imagination." Inara gulped down, continue "I'm excited to see the vibrant colors, the intricate details, and the unique perspectives captured on canvas." Her excitement exceeded, she had to remind herself to be conscious of herself.

"And who knows, we might stumble upon an oil painting that truly speaks to our souls. The gallery will be filled with inspiration and a chance to learn more about dierent art movements and techniques." He smiles broadly at her enthusiasm.
"Definitely! It'll be like stepping into a world of creativity and expression." She can't wait to delve into the stories behind the paintings and gain a deeper understanding of the artists' intentions.
"Well, Inara, let's make a plan to visit the art gallery soon. We'll have a wonderful time exploring, discussing, and appreciating the beauty of art together." He urges.

"I'll do some research to find the perfect art gallery for our adventure. Get ready for an art-filled day that will leave us inspired and amazed." He chuckles at her.

"I can't wait, Inara! This is going to be an unforgettable experience. I'm grateful that our shared love for art brought us together. Let's create our own masterpiece of friendship!, So friends?" He stretched out his hand, he iched her to accept immediately which did.

"Absolutely, Asad! Our friendship will be a masterpiece in itself. I'm grateful to have found a kindred spirit who appreciates the beauty of art just as much as I do." She grins
As they continued their conversation, Inara and Asad planned their visit to the art gallery, eagerly anticipating the artistic journey that
Their conversation flowed eortlessly, filled with laughter and genuine interest in each other's lives. It felt as if they had known each other for years, even though this was just a brief encounter at the gym after the day he saved her from the thugs. The more they talked, the more they realized how much they had in common beyond their initial assumptions.

As their workout session came to an end, Inara and Asad couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and a newfound bond. They exchanged contact information, promising to keep in touch and continue their fitness journey together.
Little did they know that this chance meeting at the gym would mark the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Inara and Asad would go on to explore art galleries together, appreciating the beauty of oil paintings and discussing their favorite masterpieces. They would also embark on new adventures, trying beers from around the world and sharing their experiences with each other.

Inara and Asad taught each other the importance of breaking free from stereotypes and embracing new experiences. They realized that people are multifaceted and can surprise you in the most unexpected ways.

With love, Haniyyerh~X

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