Chapter 10

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"This is a multivitamin made for pregnant women. Your prenatal vitamin should have 600 micrograms of folic acid in it. Folic acid is a vitamin that every cell in your body needs for healthy growth and development. If you take it before pregnancy and during early pregnancy, it can help protect your baby from birth defects of the brain and spine called neural tube defects (also called NTDs), and birth defects of the mouth called cleft lip and palate." The obstetrician stated, She stared at the young couple before continuing.

"Medicines you take, including prescription medicine, over-the-counter medicine, supplements and herbal products. Some medicines can hurt your baby if you take them during pregnancy, so you may need to stop taking it or switch to another medicine. Don't stop or start taking any medicine without talking to your doctor first. And tell your doctor if you're allergic to any medicine. You may be allergic to a medicine if it makes you sneeze, itch, get a rash or have trouble breathing when you take it." Inara nodded at her. She was listening attentively all the way, registering everything the doctor had said. She had been following all the principles, doing it with all her heart in it. She did love to keep the child when she chose to abort it, that's why she quit it. She is already 10 weeks pregnant.

She did all the necessary check-ups, such as blood tests, urine tests, and prenatal tests to find out the chance of your baby having certain conditions, such as Down's syndrome. Her blood pressure was checked which elevated a bit, that worried Asad but the doctor reassured them it will be back to normal. She was just stressed. "You need to be very careful, high blood pressure is not good for a pregnant woman. You need total bed rest, maintain a good balanced diet so your baby will grow healthier" Inara looks down at her flat tummy, it's still the same as it's before. If you're not told o, you will never know she is pregnant.

Asad and Inara walked out of the doctor's oce, Asad guiding her out." Wait here while I get you those prescribed medicine" he said, letting her sit in the waiting room while he navigated to the pharmacy with the prescription script in his hand. He came back with a leather bag full of medication.

Asad and Inara exited the hospital, the automatic sliding doors parting to let them out into the crisp afternoon air. The sun's rays danced on their faces, casting a warm glow that brought a sense of relief after their time within the sterile walls of the medical facility.
As they stepped out, their eyes were drawn to a sleek and powerful sports car waiting for them, its polished exterior gleaming under the sunlight. The car's vibrant color, a deep shade of red, caught the attention of passersby, exuding a sense of style and sophistication.
Asad took the lead, walking towards the driver's side with a confident stride. He opened the door, revealing a meticulously crafted interior that combined comfort and luxury. The leather seats were plush and inviting, providing a perfect blend of support and relaxation.

Inara gracefully entered the car, her elegant gown smoothly gliding against the seat. Her gaze wandered around the interior, taking in the fine craftsmanship and attention to detail. The dashboard displayed an array of advanced technological features, hinting at the car's performance capabilities.

As soon as Asad settled into the driver's seat, the engine roared to life, its powerful growl echoing through the surroundings. The car eortlessly maneuvered through the streets, the wind tousling their hair as they sped towards their destination.
The journey was a seamless blend of comfort and exhilaration, the car eortlessly hugging the curves of the road. Inara looked out the window, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and admiration for the speed and grace of the vehicle.

Together, Asad and Inara embarked on their adventure, the sports car carrying them towards their destination with a sense of style and exhilaration that perfectly matched their own vibrant spirits.

"Where are we going?" Inara spoke up suddenly when she saw that they took another direction. She has to ask because when he took her out, he only said they were going to the hospital which she didn't drag. She was tired of the things happening in her life, she now dropped her weapon and will accept everything that came her way with open hand. And that's why she obediently followed him to the hospital with her tail between her legs.
"To home" he said, his eyes on the road. When she looked back at the road, she awfully recalled the road back to their matrimonial home in her brain. She looked back at him stunningly. Really, was he trying to bring her back home? Inara cautiously stepped into her matrimonial home, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. As she stepped through the doorway, a wave of nostalgia washed over her, engulfing her senses like an avalanche. The familiar scent of their shared memories lingered in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of forgotten promises.

The house, once a sanctuary of love and romance, now stood as a haunting reminder of the shattered dreams and broken promises that had torn them apart. Every corner held echoes of their laughter, their whispered confessions, and the tender moments that had once defined their relationship.
Her eyes traced the elegant contours of the sophisticated house that had witnessed the rise and fall of their love. The walls, adorned with art that once symbolized their shared passions and aspirations, now seemed to mock her with their silent judgment. The grandeur of their once-vibrant home stood as a stark contrast to the desolation that now enveloped her heart.

As Inara stood in the midst of the matrimonial home that had witnessed their rise and fall, she couldn't help but feel the weight of the memories that lingered in every nook and cranny. Nostalgia, bittersweet and overwhelming, tugged at her heartstrings, reminding her of the love they had once shared, and the pain that had torn them apart.

It was a poignant reminder that sometimes, even the most sophisticated houses can crumble under the weight of secrets and betrayal, leaving behind only the echoes of what could have been. "We need to talk" she looked over at him.
The ring from his phone diverted his attention from her. The person from the end of the line speaks while he remains quiet. His only word was, "I will be right back" and end the line.
"I need to go, you need to rest" he said through her way. "Madeline" He beckoned.

"Good day Sir, Madam" the girl named Madeline in her maid uniform approached them, coming from the kitchen. A soft smile stretched on her lips when she saw them together. Madeline, a chubby 25 years old lady, working as a cook in Asad house. She had been working for almost two years now, they really got acquainted with her Madam, she admired and respected her. She was sad when they broke up but now seeing them together, she was the happiest. Inara acknowledges her greetings, with a fake fake smile. Her mind was so clouded for her to even give a smile.

"I will be going, make sure she has a scrumptious meal before I come back." He ordered, and she nodded obediently. Fine with it, he stride out the house leaving Inara yearning for his presence.

I'm so excited today seeing the amount of readers escalating, and a friend of mine also my writing buddy called me earlier to tell me how good my book is. And that made my day, so I decided togive you a double update today. I love your comments, it makes me want to rains you with multiple of updates but I love suspense, so. Even though only little of you got to comment, some don't even vote. But I like it that you're reading it.

And yes, before I forget. Check on her work too, I'm sure you will love it. 'Battles of the hearts' I know from the name, the book is given ❤️😉

Falmatawrites check her profile

So yeah, with love,

Haniyyerh ~X

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