chapter 1

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Sofie's pov:

Since I was a kid I always loved fashion, in all its forms, from styling my dolls' outfits, to choosing by myself what to wear when I needed to go out. But I had another passion in my life: cars.. I always loved to attend f1 races, following my dad around the world, supporting his team and growing in the motorsport world. I even tried to do karting for a few years when I was little and I did pretty great to be honest, but I left when I started my first championship, getting hated because of the fact that I was the daughter of Toto and Susie Wolff. I gave up the idea of becoming a professional driver and I started to focus more on the fashion industry, keeping the racing sport as a hobby.

My parents always supported me in my choices: from when I told them I wanted to do karting, to when I told them I wanted to give up, to when I wanted to start a modelling job.


I had a lot of busy schedules in the past years to build my model career, so this prevented me to attend as many races as before, but now that i was one of the faces of Prada and a runaway model for Versace and Dolce Gabbana, this allowed me to get invited to the events and important parties, and most important to have a bit of freetime as well.

A few weeks ago my Manager told me that I've been invited to the Grand Prix of Monaco by Mercedes as a guest and Prada's sponsor, so I was getting the chance to be back in a paddock during a grand prix after years, this made me so happy and excited, so i quickly started to plan the upcoming race week.

When it finally came, I was ready to experience the feeling of a Grand Prix again. I would have had Mick, one of my best friends since childhood, and Mia, my PR manager and best friend, by my side the whole time. Plus I would see my father after a couple of months, and a few drivers I grew up with too.

The race weekend finally started. It was Free Practice day and I was entering the paddock with Mia.

We are discussing some of the scheduled things I had to do during the day, or at least, she was talking while I was just admiring the paddock as we walked through it.. I really missed that feeling and atmosphere, how everyone was excited for their team, the fans cheering for their favourite drivers and the adrenaline in the air. Moreover, I was in Monaco, a fancy and beautiful country that I always wanted to visit but I've never been able to do before.

I chose to wear a vintage brown Prada dress, with a pair of knee boots and a Prada handbag, both the same colour of the dress, while my hair was wavy and with a Prada headpiece in it with matched jewellery.

We were now walking towards the Mercedes' garage and as soon as I entered it, my father came and hugged me tightly.

"i really missed seeing you in this garage" he says a bit sarcastically as we both pull apart from each other and i smile at him.

After I introduced Mia to my father, I spotted Mick talking with Lewis in a corner of the garage, so I approached them, pretty excited.

"hi guys" they greet me happily, before i give them both a hug as we smile at each other.

"How's the big model doing?" Lewis asks pretty playfully as he studies my outfit, making Mick chuckle as he does the same.

"i'm doing really well!" I answer as playfully as him, while I make a little twirl to show off my outfit.

I spent the rest of the day watching the practice session and then doing pictures and videos with the drivers for the sponsorship, then I had a bit of free time to do whatever i want.

I was currently talking with Mick when Lewis joined us followed by George (while I had known Mick and Lewis for basically my whole life, this was the first time I met George, the second driver of Mercedes).

"We were going to have dinner together, do you guys wanna join us?" Lewis asks me and Mick, and we agree.

I went to say goodbye to my father and Mia, who had some work to do and refused to come with us, then we all walked towards the parking lot where our cars were. I drove by myself, following them to a fancy restaurant near the drivers' hotel they booked for the evening.

There were a lot of paparazzi outside the restaurant, but inside it was pretty quiet, in fact the drivers were the only ones who were loudly talking or laughing.

We enter the restaurant and I follow Mick, Lewis and George, who quickly get greeted by the drivers already sitting at their table...

[Author's space: this is the firs chapter, i hope you liked it and don't forget to comment everything you want (respectfully) i love to read your thoughts. See you next chapter xoxo]

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