chapter 11

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As I approach Mick, I can see a relieved look on his face from the moment he sees me.

“I was really worried, where have you been?” he asks as we walk back toward our table.

“I’m sorry, i was just dancing with some girls i met at the bar before” i lie, not looking at him in the face, since i feel terrible when i lie to the people i love, but i didn’t want to tell Mick that i was dancing and flirting with Charles on the dancefloor.

Mick just nods, trying to believe me. We keep walking through the club in silence, I was pretty lost in thoughts as remembering what has just happened with Charles and the sudden wave of tension between us.

“Are you okay with staying a bit more or do you want to go now?” Mick asks as we sit back at the table, beside Daniel and Lando, caressing my back in a sweet way.

“No, we can stay, don’t worry about me” I smile at him, before Daniel offers us a round of vodka shots, that we both accept and drink in one sip.

Daniel was already tipsy, as well the other drivers and me. I was chatting and laughing with Daniel and Lando, while Mick was talking with Carlos. I was pretty distracted by the memories of before, trying to understand what he really meant and if he really likes me.

After a few minutes Max walks back to the table, smiling amused, taking a seat beside Carlos.
“Charles is celebrating really well as usual” he says, laughing along with Pierre, who quickly understands and laughs too.

“Let me guess, another hook up?” Carlos asks while rolling his eyes and letting out a chuckle.

“Yeah, look at him, he’s right there. It’s a blond girl this time” Max points at a corner of the dancefloor where Charles is passionately kissing a blonde girl, with his hands wandering on her entire body.

I feel myself breaking inside, I don't even know why but I feel a wave of jealousy in my body, feeling confused and not understanding why he kept flirting and giving me sweet compliments the whole night and yesterday he brought me to a pretty romantic place.. and there he is, doing the things he’s famous for. Swing from a girl to another without caring about feelings but only his needs and pleasures.

“I changed my mind, i’m pretty tired, can we go back to the hotel?” I ask Mick, trying to sound normal and not angry or sad at all, but I can tell he noticed my change in demeanor

“Yeah, sure” He gets up, looking a bit confused but satisfying my request. We both start to say goodbye to everyone.

“Hope to see you at another race, sweetheart” Max yells from afar, giving me a sweet smile and waving at me in an excited way, making me smile amused.

During the whole drive back to the hotel, I stayed silent, looking outside the window with my forehead against it.
“Is everything okay?” Mick asks me as we get out of the car, he looks at me with a concerned face, confused by how I am acting now.

“Yeah, I just need to sleep, that’s all” I say, giving him the most reassuring smile possible, while we both walk through the hallway, toward the elevator.

“Just know that I'm always here for you, whenever you need something” he says, caressing my arm in a reassuring way, as we walk in the elevator.

“I know it, but really, it’s nothing” I insist, giving him a smile before the elevator’s doors open on my floor and I step out.

“Have a good night Mick.. and thanks for the ride” I say, waving at him and as the doors close, walking to my room’s door, unlocking it and entering it.

I take a long shower to relax a bit trying to pieces together my thoughts, then I put on my pyjama and I lay in my bed, looking at the starry sky outside the window for a while, in silence.

‘Why do I alway trust everyone and get lost in every sweet action?’
‘Why I can't understanding when it is honest and when it isn’t, ending up broken by them?’
‘Why am I so naive?’

I keep overthinking for a while until I fall asleep..

[Author's space: hi everyonee! You are you doing? I hope you're fine <3 btw, I hope you're liking the story, I'm writing new chapters and I can't wait to upload them. Lya and remember to share your thoughts🤍]

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