chapter 3

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"So, how's it possible that the daughter of Toto isn't interested in motorsport?" Max asks me while looking from across the table, leaning his face on his fists, looking a bit flirty but still curious.

"Oh but she was for a while" Mick says quickly, smiling teasingly at me. "We did karting for a few years when we were young" Mick adds, making both Max and Charles' surprise show on their faces.

"Actually, it was for a short time, but yes, I did karting for a couple of years" I say, blushing a bit and with a shy smile, while giving Mick a kick under the table, making him flinch in pain.

"I think we should plan a karting race together then, maybe during the break" Max says playfully as he winks at me.

"Yeah, why not, I love losing before even starting" I answer sarcastically, before taking a sip of wine making the others laugh amused.

The rest of the dinner I just spoke with Lewis and Mick about the things that happened in our lives in the past few years, talking sometimes with Daniel and the other drivers at the table. Later, when some drivers were starting to go back to the hotel, we chose to do the same. I got up grabbing my things and following Mick who was starting to say goodbye to some drivers, doing the same.

"See you tomorrow on track then.." Max says before, surprisingly, embracing me in his arms and wishing me a good night, as I do the same to him, he was kinda cute and kind with me, even if we met just a couple of hours ago.

In the meanwhile my eyes met with Charles', he just winked at me before grabbing his things from the table and walking away, towards the exit, I just smiled softly.

Of course the universe wanted us to talk again..

As I walked towards my car I noticed him ready to get into a black Ferrari parked next to my Mercedes, his car had two stripes in the colours of the Monaco flag and the number 16 on the side (of course it was his.. how egomaniac was he?!)

"So this is your car?" Charles asks playfully as he stands beside his car with the driver's door open and a smirk on his face.

"Yes. Wasn't it obvious?" I say sarcastically, as I unlock my car, a Mercedes Benz G63 in a dark shade of purple.

"Well, I thought you came with Mick, you know, you two are pretty close" Charles says with a shade of sarcasm while leaning on his car's door.

"Yeah, but I can drive by myself too" i open my driver's door, ready to get in.

"Hope you'll cheer for me tomorrow. Right after Lewis of course" He says, chuckling a bit, making me laugh too, before getting into my car and starting the engine.

"I would never betray Lewis." I wink at him as I roll down the window on my side. "Have a good night and good luck for tomorrow" I say before driving away, pretty fastly.

[Author's space: sorry for the short chapters, i promise next one will be longer. i hope you're enjoying the story and remember to comment because i'd be really happy to read you :)  ps. because i made a short chapter, i'll try to upload another one tonight <3]

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