chapter 2

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Most of the drivers who were sitting at the table were new faces, except for Daniel, who I already met when I was younger and he had always been like a brother to me. He quickly got up and hugged me as soon as he recognised me.

"My god! You grew up so much in those years!" Daniel says as he takes a step back to look at me with his hands still on the sides of my shoulders, smiling warmly, like a brother does when he sees his little sister after a long time, while I just nod and smile at him too.

We all took our seats at the table. I was sitting beside Mick and a young brunette driver, with piercing green eyes who was talking with another driver in front of us.

"Most of you don't know who that girl is yet, why don't you introduce yourself?" Lewis points at me, giving a playful wink, trying to make me break the ice and feel less uncomfortable.
"Well, nice to meet you all. I'm Sofie, the daughter of Toto, but I'm here as a guest for Mercedes" I say a bit shyly, introducing myself to the drivers with a smile.

"Oh, nice to meet you, I'm Lando!" a guy from the other side of the table said, smiling really friendly, then everyone started to introduce themselves too with big smiles.

I was currently listening to Lewis, Max, Mick and Charles who were all sitting around me at the table, and were chatting about some track's features, i was understanding the bare minimum but I was acting confident, trying to not show my confusion. Mick noticed and kinda chuckled silently, making me giggle too and roll my eyes.

"So, what is your job? or studies if you still study" Max asks me, noticing i was a bit zoned out because i wasn't understanding a lot of those technical informations.

"I'm a model" I smile at him, shyly.

"i would have said it, you really look like a model" max says, leaning back in his chair, smirking at me

"Look who's trying to flirt with Toto's daughter" Charles teases Max as he takes a sip of his wine, chuckling and making Max blush a lot, while the others laugh at the situation.

"Do you work like a runaway model or just do shootings?" Lando asks from afar, interested in my career

"both, actually" I say, before sipping my wine and turning my attention to him.

"I do runaways for Versace and Dolce Gabbana, but I'm the promotional face of Prada and sometimes Vogue, plus a few shoots for smaller brands" I explain proudly, while everyone listens carefully to me.

"So you must be really busy" Charles says, smirking a bit, as he leans against his chair, seated beside me, while looking at me to give me his full attention.

"a lot, actually, that's why i haven't attended any Grand Prix in the past 6 years and don't know a lot of you" i say, giggling a bit in a sarcastic way "until now of course, that i've been invited as a guest, so i'm basically still working"

In the meanwhile the others were chatting to each other, so I had been left talking with only Charles, who was pretty invested in the conversation we were having.

"So you attended a lot of races in your childhood?" Charles asks

"kinda, i wasn't at every race of course, but at most of them yes" i answer playfully as i smile at him.

"And, if I may ask, who's your favourite driver?" He asks me with a bit of a flirtatious look and a smirk on his face.

"Is it too obvious if I say Lewis?" I say sarcastically, giggling.

"Just a little bit" he chuckles in a playful way, making me chuckle too.

For a few seconds we just looked into each others' eyes, getting lost in them, quietly diving into his green eyes. As soon as I notice my face slowly starting to burn and my cheeks getting red, I break eye contact and I focus on Mick who's chatting with Lewis. Obviously I wasn't paying attention to their conversation, I was still thinking about the weird feeling I had while looking into Charles' eyes..

[Author's space: i hope you're enjoying the story so far, i'll try to upload a chapter each 2/3 days because i already have a few ready, then i'll try to do one each week. please remember to comment and leave a little star if you enjoyed it <3]

questions/suggestions/feedback space ↘

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