chapter 8

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I was laughing and talking with Andrea in the Ferrari garage, both of us still covered in champagne and excited for my win, until i spotted Sofie walking outside, past the garage, busy talking with a blonde girl, not noticing me looking at her. 

This was the first time i saw her since yesterday when she left me to go have dinner with Mick, i'd lie if i say i didn't get disappointed about not spending the evening with her, and now not seeing her the whole day, but i hope to see her at the party tonight and have a talk with her. 

She was looking so perfect, wearing that pink dress, tight enough to enlighten all her curves and show her perfect body that I was examining as she walked by, while the light of the sunset makes her skin shine of a bright golden, her hair swinging as she moves and her beautiful smile showing anytime she laughs with her friend, how her beautiful back shows whenever her hair moves..

"Charles? Are you okay?" Andrea snaps me out of the trance, waving a hand in front of my face to catch my attention.

"Did you hear what I said?" He asks me, while he looks at the direction I was looking before, letting out a soft chuckle.

"No, I'm sorry, can you repeat?" i say, scratching the back of my head in an embarrassed way, looking at him while smiling

"Don't mind it, i was just making fun of you. Anyway, who's that girl?" he asks with a teasing look on his face and a smirk, while crossing his arms in a judging way, but pretty amused by the situation.

"Which girl?"

"Don't act clueless Charles, I saw how you were devouring with the eyes that girl that walked past, before" he says, smiling in a brotherly way, but still teasing me.

"I'm sorry, I'm late, I must go" I avoid answering him, laughing lightly as I walk away, hearing him laugh too.


When Mia and I arrived at the hotel, I tried to convince her to come to the party too, but she refused, saying that she needed to work before flying to France tomorrow, early in the morning, so I helped her pack her things, running a bit late to get myself ready for the party.

I was now rushing to get ready in time, while Mick was sitting on the couch, waiting for me. I just finished wearing some makeup, then I ran to wear my boots and grab my purse before walking out with Mick, entering the elevator and taking a look at myself in the big mirror in there.

I was wearing a pretty short dress, in a sparkling black colour and strapless, with a pair of knee boots with a large heel in the same sparkling colour of the dress, my hair was curly and free, while I've been bold by wearing a red lipstick and some eyeliner. I embellished the outfit by wearing a pretty silver necklace with a star with matched earrings.

As we arrive at the club, we get caught by a lot of paparazzi, making Mick grab my hand to lead me safely towards the entrance between the flashes of the cameras surrounding us.

"Are you okay?" he asks me as the doors of the club close behind us, turning to look at me, but not leaving the grip from my hand until he made sure i was okay.

Because even if I was a model, used to the flashes of the cameras, I had social anxiety since I started to attend races with my dad when I was young and started to get surrounded by the annoying paparazzi. Since then I always panicked whenever I saw groups of paparazzi and Mick knew that very well.

"I'm fine.." I smile at him in a reassuring way, then he lets go of my hand, taking a look around to find the drivers' table, he starts walking, followed by me, towards it as soon as he spots them in the privè area of the club.

[Author's space: sorry for not being active lately, but i'm trying to write new chapters!! btw, thank you for your support and i hope you're liking the story. i'm sorry for some mistakes but this isn't my mother language :) i'll upload another chapter because this is really short]

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