chapter 5

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"So, Is it like a date?" Mia asks me while sitting on my bed as I was doing my hair. Mia had been my friend since I started to work as a model, she was perfect in her job and we got along pretty well in those years that we bonded even outside work, we always talked about everything together and we know each other really well.

"No! He's just showing me his hometown. And I was alone so he offered to accompany me" I say, blushing a bit at the thought that it could have looked like a date.

"Yeah, that's a thing that everyone would do. Stay in your delusional era, bestie" Mia says before laying down while laughing.

After a few minutes I was ready so I left a tired sleeping Mia in my room, walking into the elevator, pressing the 'L' button (lobby), and as soon as the doors closed I was looking at myself through the mirror.

I chose to wear a pretty short and tight red dress with long sleeves and a boat neckline that was showing my neck and my shoulders, where I put a gold necklace with paired earrings, I was wearing a pair of black knee boots with high heels and a black Prada handbag (i know, a bad choice for a walk, but i really love the outfit and i wanted to show it off in this evening around Monaco's streets). I straightened my hair and wore a bit of makeup with a red lipstick that matches the colour of the dress I'm wearing.

As I get out of the elevator, I immediately spot Charles sitting on a couch in the hall of the Hotel, scrolling on his phone. He was wearing a grey hoodie and a pair of black baggy jeans, with a pair of Adidas shoes, his hair a bit messy and not dry at all as if he had a shower and then rushed outside to meet with me in time.

"Here you are" he says as he notices me approaching him, while putting away his phone and getting up while looking at me with a smirk on his face that shows his pretty dimples.

"Did you wear red for me?" he asks playfully as we both start to walk outside the hotel.

"Of course not. Just a coincidence" I answer in a sarcastic way as I roll my eyes at his egomaniacal acting.

"By the way, you look really gorgeous" he says after a little laugh, making me blush and giggle too before thanking him.

"So, what are you showing me first?" I ask, smiling playfully while I notice his look wandering all over my body, examining my whole outfit.

"I'll show you a beautiful spot where you can see the whole city, then i think i'll give you a quick tour of the city and its famous places" he says proudly as he guides me towards his car.

"I know that you wanted to walk but this spot is pretty far away and i really want you to see it" he unlocks the car and opens the passenger's door for me with a big, melting smile on his face.

I smile at him, getting into his car, allowing him to close the door, then he walks to the other side and gets into the driver's seat. After we both put on our seatbelts and he starts the engine, he starts driving carefully towards the higher spot of the city that he wants to show me.

"So, what do you like other than modelling and dressing cool?" he asks as he keeps his glance on the road, but smiling.

"Music, reading, drawing and of course races and driving" I say, thinking a bit between every answer. I hear him chuckling a bit while looking at the road with a hand on the steering wheel and the other on his thigh while tapping on it with his fingers.

"Do you really like races? I mean, outside the fact that your father is Toto" he asks as he turns to look at me with a curious face, as soon as he stops at a red light.

"Yes, I really do. Obviously it started because of my dad, but I really like it by myself.. I actually wanted to be a driver when I was really young" I say, smiling and looking at him proudly "but i realised it wasn't for me" i add, seeing an understanding smile on his face before the lights become green and he looks back at the road.

"I have to admit it, your car is really cool" I say, taking a look around at the inside of the car, all black leather and a bit of red around the steering wheel and the seats.

"Thank you.. I'm quite proud of this car" he says a bit sarcastically, giving a few pats on the dashboard in a proud way, making us both giggle.

After a few minutes more of driving through Monaco's streets, where I admired every place we passed next to, amazed by everything, Charles stopped the car in a parking spot on a hill. We get out of the car and we walk in front of it, leaning against the hood of his iconic black Ferrari, admiring the beautiful view of the city as the sun was starting to dive into the sea, making the sky shine with a warm orange shade meeting the dark shades of the incoming night, the buildings were starting to turn on their lights making the view even more magical. I was admiring everything with a mesmerised look on my face.

"It is so beautiful.." I whisper, still amazed by everything around me.

[Author's space: i'll try to upload the next chapter tomorrow. Hope you're liking the story and don't forget to comment and follow me on insta and tiktok for the updates. lya and thank you for supporting me <3]

Insta: s4marvel004

Tiktok: s4marvel00

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