chapter 9

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"Hey! Look who's there!" I hear Max's voice as soon as we reach the table, and I can say that he already had a few drinks.

"Hey!" I smile at him as he approaches me and gives me a quick hug, making me smell the alcohol mixed with his perfume.

In the meanwhile, Mick goes to greet some other drivers a bit far from us.

"I feel so sorry for your crash" I say, as soon as he pulls away from the hug and looks down at me, feeling a bit sad about how he lost his chance to win like that.

"Yeah, it sucks, but at least i did a great race until then" he says pretty proud as he gives me a smile before speaking again.

"Wanna drink something?" he says, pointing at the bar counter across the room in a playful way.

"Yeah, why not" I say, then we walk towards the bar, order a couple of drinks, then wait for them in the crowded room, surrounded by the loud music.

We talk for a bit about some race's details, raising our voices from time to time when the music gets louder. I can't help but notice how handsome he looked tonight, wearing his simple white shirt, with the first button unbuttoned, and the sleeves rolled up mid forearm, with his rosy cheeks and pretty messed hair, with a blue baggy jeans under it.

As soon as we both grab our drinks and we walk back to the drivers' table, i spot a brown haired man sitting on one of the couches around the big table, laughing and sipping a glass of champagne, looking pretty tipsy too. He notices me staring and gives me a quick and playful wink, making me smile shyly.

"So, where are you flying to tomorrow?" Max asks me, catching my attention again, while taking a seat on the couch near us and sliding a bit to allow me to sit next to him.

"Well, i have to go to Paris for a couple of days, then i'll fly back to London" i say, starting to sip my drink, feeling a couple of eyes glued on me, of course not Max's ones, but the ones of the monegasque driver sitting on the other side of the table.

"Must be exciting" Max says, while sipping his drink in a bit of a flirtatious way, looking at me and smiling.

"I can't complain" i giggle as he smiles too

"Well, I don't like to dump a beautiful girl, but I promised Daniel a dance. I'll catch you later, don't worry" He says, winking at me, before I giggle and I get up to make him leave and walk away, towards the dancefloor.

As I sit back, I start to sip my drink, while wondering where Charles was, since he's not sitting at the table anymore.

"Looking for me?" I hear a voice coming from behind me and as soon as I turn to look at him, I see Charles with a smirk on his face, taking a seat beside me, getting dangerously closer and laying an arm on the back of the couch.

"Congratulations for the win" I say, taking the last sip of my drink and putting the glass on the table in front of us. Smiling at Charles, who looks really tipsy and pretty flirty and has his cheeks a bit red by the alcohol he drank.

"Thanks Sof, you look really stunning tonight" he says while his eyes slowly shift on my body and then back to my eyes, locking in them.

"Thanks.." I blush a bit under his piercing look.

"I noticed that you kept staring at me for a while before" I say, a bit sarcastically, but smirking in a teasing way, returning his flirty attitude.

"Well, I was making sure that Max didn't cross the line" he says, raising his shoulders in a clueless way, making me roll my eyes and he chuckles a bit.

"So, you were like a remote bodyguard?" I tease him with a fake confused face, smirking again.

"Yeah, kinda" he says in a more deep voice, with a pretty serious face, giving a glance at my lips and then looking again at my eyes.

"Wanna drink something? Or maybe dance?" he asks as he gets up, fixing his shirt's neck and waiting for me to make a decision.

"I'd like to dance" I say, getting up as well. He smiles playfully and then he grabs my wrist and walks me to the dancefloor, a really crowded place, where none of our friends could have seen us dancing together.

[Author's space: i swear, the next chapter is a mix of emotions. i'll try to upload it this week. btw still thank you for your support and don't forget to comment, i love reading you <3. lya]

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