chapter 7

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The next day:

It was race day, so the paddock would have been so chaotic and full of people from everywhere, interested in getting pictures and autographs of the drivers, and to enjoy the race, of course.

I got up early to get ready and go to the paddock with Mick and then meet Mia there. I was wearing a long and thigh pink dress, with long sleeves but backless, a pair of white sandals and a white clutch, i added a pair of white pearl earrings and a matching bracelet. My hair was down and straightened, while my makeup was soft with just a bit of eyeliner.

As we arrive at the paddock, Mick walks away quickly to reach my dad in the Mercedes garage, leaving me alone at the entrance. I take a walk around, surrounded by the warmth of the fans walking around and all the mechanics and engineers starting to come, enjoying the sun that was shining in Monaco today, with a bit of warm wind and the smell of the near sea.

"Hey, Sofie?" the voice of a man brings me back to reality, making me turn around to see who was calling my name from behind. As I turn around I see a familiar face smiling at me as he walks closer.

"Hey Max, how are you doing?" i smile at him too

"I'm really fine, pretty excited, but i'm fine" he says, while looking a bit nervous but trying to act fine, with his eyes shining at the thought of the upcoming race "you look really beautiful, by the way" he adds while scratching the back of his head in a shy way, while smiling at me.

"Thank you, you look handsome too" I say, blushing a bit, but smiling warmly.

"Were you going to the garage?" he asks, trying to break the tension in the air.

"Well, i was actually having a walk around and then i wanted a coffee and now i was walking towards the bar" i explain, still smiling at him. I don't know why, but Max's attitude makes me feel at ease, he's so cute and a kind soul..

"I have to get ready for the race otherwise i would have joined you" he says, chuckling a bit sarcastically.

"Oh but we'll have a coffee together some other time" I say smilingly.

"Yeah, well.. Hope to see you at the party tonight then" he says, caressing my arm before going away.

"Mick hasn't told me about a party, but i think i'll be there, why not" i smile at him, before he winks at me and walks away.

In the meanwhile Mia arrives and joins me to take a coffee at the lounge bar of the paddock privè.

"So, how was your 'walk' with that guy" she asks in a teasing way as she leans against her chair, ready to start to gossip.

"We didn't walk.." i start, before rolling my eyes at her confused look, knowing she was assuming we did 'something' together.

"Don't do that face, he drove us up a hill where we saw the whole city and the sea and the sunset.. Then when we drove back in town to have that walk, Mick told me that he was gonna pick me up to have dinner and I had to leave. That's why we didn't have that walk" i explain, seeing her smirk and how she looks at me in a teasing way.

"Still sure it wasn't a date?" she asks in a subtle way, coming closer and starting to whisper since the lounge bar was getting crowded.

"Yes. just a tour of his town." I say, getting up and grabbing my things to leave. Mia laughs and does the same. We walk in the Mercedes garage, greeting my father and some of the engineers, and then wishing good luck to Lewis and George, then we go to the guest's corner, talking about job and what should i post on my social media profile, while everyone else was rushing from a side to the other, busy with the things they had to do for the race.

The formation lap starts and as soon as everyone is in their position, I cross my fingers, hoping everything goes well.

The lights go off and the race starts.. In the first turn Max overtakes Charles and flies away, leaving Lewis and Charles to fight for the second place.

Unfortunately in the first lap a couple of cars collided and went outside the track, causing a safety car, fortunately none was hurt and it wasn't Lewis or George or Max or Charles that crashed.. After the safety car Lewis tries to overtake Charles but fails and Charles gains velocity and distance, while Max does the laps on his own. The situation on the front of the grid stays the same for most of the race, while in the middle Lando gains a few positions, reaching the 4th place, now fighting for the third, followed by George and then Carlos.

Almost at the end of the penultimate lap Max slips on an oil stain, crashing in a corner and being forced to retire himselfs, luckily he was fine, but this allowed Charles to cross the line first, followed by Lewis and then Lando in P3.

I was feeling really bad for Max, but really proud of Lewis and then Charles too.. I was imagining how happy and proud of himself Charles should be about winning in his home country.

I force Mia to join the Mercedes team as they run under the podium for the celebrations, but Mia stays in the garage with the other guests, leaving me to go with my dad.

I stand beside my father and, as soon as Lewis is announced and walks on the podium, I cheer with the whole team and the fans, while Lewis waves and smiles from there.

After a few seconds Charles is announced and people start to scream louder as much as his team does. He walks on the podium, waving at everyone with a big smile and shiny eyes, walking on the highest step of the podium and taking off his hat as the other two drivers do the same, ready for the monegasque anthem and then the Italian one. As the music starts playing, he stands there all happy and smiley, making me lose myself in that pretty man and his contagious happiness and proud eyes, making me feel my eyes a bit watery, but i quickly focus on something else, hoping nobody saw me almost crying over the win of a perfect stranger. 

Later, after the celebrations and pictures, we went back to the garage, all wet with the champagne Lewis popped on us during his celebration, luckily i hid myself behind some engineers to not get wet, but still had a bit in my hair.

"I think you should go take a shower" Mia says laughing as she sees my wet hair. I laugh along with her, then I grab my things and say goodbye to the guys in the garage, then I give my dad a kiss and I hug Mick. I walk with Mia towards her car, to go back to the Hotel to start to get ready for the drivers' party i got invited to go tonight.  

[Author's space: here it is, anothedr chapter, maybe the longest i wrote 'till now, hope you enjoy it. Ofc i made Charles win, because i'm delulu so he wins in my story at least :) remember to comment and write whatever you feel to, i love reading you. lya<3]

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