chapter 6

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I always loved to come here when i'm in Monaco, from here I was able to see the whole city and I could experience breathtaking sunsets and sometimes sunrises too. But this time was different, I wasn't admiring the city, the sunset or the lights, I was admiring her..

I don't really know why or what I am feeling towards this girl who's standing next to me, but I can say that I feel completely captivated by her beauty, as much as not looking at the city I'm in love with that's right in front of me. How she's looking at the view so amazed, how she smiled as she noticed the sunset and how she's leaning against my car, how her skin is glowing under the sunset's lights and how her hair is slowly moving thanks to the light wind.. Everything just made me lock my eyes on her, admiring every inch of her beauty.

"You look really beautiful" I managed to say after a couple of minutes of just staring at her in silence.

"Thank you" she whispers in the most delicate and quite shy way ever. She looks so angelic with those brown eyes and her long hair falling on her naked shoulders.. Her smile is even more pretty than her eyes.. damn i feel so infatuated by her eyes and her smile...


After a few minutes where we admired the city, we drive back into town and he parks the car outside my hotel, attempting to have the walk we planned to have but as soon as we got outside the car, my phone rang and I picked up the call quickly.

"Hey Mick, what's up" I say, taking a few steps away from a smiling Charles, to talk freely with my best friend.

After a few seconds I hang up and walk back to Charles, with an apologising look on my face.

"I'm so sorry, but Mick is coming to take me to a restaurant for dinner.. Maybe we can have this walk another time.." I explain to Charles, a bit upset to leave him like this.

"Yeah, don't worry, we'll have that walk another time" he says while playing with the car keys in his hands.

"Have a good night Charles, and good luck for tomorrow" I say before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and a shy smile.

"Good night you too.. See you on track tomorrow" he says, giving me the warmest smile ever, before I walk in the hotel hallway, to wait for Mick to come, while Charles walks back to his car and drives away.

Later that night:

The dinner was already done but Mick and I kept chatting over a glass of wine, or maybe a few..

"So, where have you been since you left the paddock? I'm sorry I stood you up for that walk.. But Toto had some things to tell me" Mick says, apologetically, with a pair of puppy eyes, making me giggle.

"Don't worry, I had that walk after all, it was kinda fun tho" i say, trying to hide myself behind a sip of wine.

"Oh, all alone?" he asks with a subtle smile on his face, trying to analyse my expressions.

"Yeah, with whom else?" I say, giggling in a sarcastic way, trying to cover my nervousness of lying to him.

"Alright, i try to believe you" Mick laughs a bit, before we both start to get ready to pay and go away, laughing the whole drive because of the alcohol we had before.

When I get back to my hotel room, I take a full shower and then, after my skincare, I go to lay in bed.

As soon as I turn on my phone, I see a few notifications from instagram: '@charles_leclerc started following you' and then '@charles_leclerc liked your post' a few times. I open instagram and I follow Charles back, liking his last post too, smiling like a stupid the whole time. Since I'm a quite wary person, I did a few researches on the internet, about Charles and his reputation. After a few minutes, I found out that he was kinda 'famous' for the romantic adventures he had in his life, in fact he's rumoured to have had a lot of one-night stands, a lot of rumours with girls going on and a few relationships that lasted no longer than a few months.

Even after all I read, I couldn't help but think about his pretty smile and sweet eyes and dimples and his messy but cute hair.. Maybe now I understand why girls always fall for him so easily..

[Author's space: sorry for not being active lately, i promise i'll upload another chapter today to make you forgive me :). Btw remember to comment and share your opinions, i love reading your thoughts about what i write. lya<3]

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