Chapter 8: Interviews

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"Oh shit shit shit," I say out loud after waking up in the arms of the District Two boy.

He stirs, looking up at me, now sitting up, confused, "What?" He asks, "What's wrong?"

"I can't believe it," I mumble while quickly changing from one of Cato's shirts into the tank top and skirt I arrived with yesterday. "We fell asleep," I said, "I meant to go home last night."

He strains to look at the clock on his wall, "Oh, shit yeah," He replies, still groggy. "It's 6 am, and I don't know about your escort, but this is about when Venus wakes up."

"Damnit," I whisper-yell at myself. 

"It's fine," he says, grabbing my hand from the bed, "I don't hear her up yet; you should be good."

I sigh, "Okay, well, thanks? I guess, for last night." I mumble before walking towards the door.

"Yeah," He laughs, "You too, I'll see you later."

I shoot him a smile before carefully and as quietly as possible creeping towards the elevator. I'm praying with everything in me that Apple isn't up yet. I know she gets up early, but I'm not sure how early. 

The elevator bings when it reaches the fourth floor, and I cringe, hoping not to wake anyone. 

When the coast is clear, I stealthily tiptoe to my room; I reach my bed and collapse into it instantly. What was I thinking yesterday? Oh well. I'm too tired to think about it now, so I crawl under the covers, still in my clothes. Unlike other nights, sleep comes to me quickly.


Breakfast came and went without much talking. We discussed our plan for preparing for our interviews; Wade would go with Finnick first and me with Apple. 

I'm not looking forward to walking up and down halls with high heels, but if it prevents me from falling flat on my face in front of all of Panem, I suppose it won't be horrible. 

After our tables cleared, I went to my room when Wade asked to talk to me. 

"Yeah," I say, hoping we can finally clear this up. "Come in."

He sits on my bed and takes a breath. "I don't think how I'm feeling or what I said was wrong, but I'm sorry I said it in front of everyone."

I sit wide-eyed, wondering if he's really that dense. "Excuse me?" He gives me a look indicating he's confused at my confusion. "You're not apologizing for calling me a whore, but you feel bad you said it in front of people?"

He sighs. "Okay, maybe it wasn't the right word to use, but you can't seriously think doing that with him is a good idea." 

"I don't think what I do with him is any of your business." I retort, mimicking his pronunciation. 

"Oh, come on," He scoffs. "You can't seriously think I don't know you're fucking around with him not to piss me off." 

Now it's my turn to laugh. "Everything's about you, isn't it? Believe it or not, I don't spend every waking hour thinking about you like you do me. I'm 'fucking around' with him," I use my fingers for air quotes, "because I like him." I stop for a breath. "I think you should go."

"This is so you, Hali - and don't think I don't know you were with him all night."

What? How could he know? He didn't see me leave or get back, I don't think, at least. 

Wrong Place, Right Time - Cato Hadley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now