Chapter 6: The Dispute

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The next day of training went by painfully slow. 

I tried to focus more on the survival aspects rather than the fighting. No one from my alliance joined me, however. 

I couldn't help but wonder if I would share my findings with them in the arena since none of them thought it was worth their precious time now.

Throughout the day, I'd caught myself staring longingly at the striking boy I'd found myself with last night, and to my pleasure, he'd be looking at me, too. 

Back home at Four, I'd known I was attractive. I wasn't pretty enough for any of the boys to want to be with, though. After growing up with them, you know everything about everybody, so being with any of them would be like dating a brother.  

One girl, Raine Forrester, was different. We'd all known each other our whole lives, but the boys still fell at her feet. Every time she walked past me, I felt a pang of jealousy, and the worst part was I couldn't hate her. Girls like Joss, gossips, and show-offs were easy to hate. Raine, however, was sweet. Not the fake sweet that only a few people see, but real sweet, and to anyone. 

It shouldn't have bothered me, especially when I had Wade, but something about having everyone want you-or want to be you really got to me. 

That's how I feel when I see Glimmer hanging on Cato's arm like he's the most infatuating thing she's ever seen, although she may not be wrong. He's not paying any extra attention to her, but just like Raine, she wouldn't have to fight that hard if she wanted him badly.

It's funny, honestly. I'm preparing for a fight to the death against all these people, yet I am still jealous of them. 

Clove's strength, Glimmer's charm, the redheaded girl from Five's smarts. I don't lack any of them myself, but I look foolish with them compared to the others. 

I feel so trapped. In my head, and this new, unfamiliar place. Today was the same as yesterday, and I know tomorrow will be like today. Wake up, train, discuss plans with Finnick, sleep, repeat. 

Things get interesting after that. In two days, we have our individual assessments. The next day is our interviews with the Capitol icon, Caesar Flickerman, and the next is the beginning of most of our ends. 

I never thought about how winning the Games could be equally as terrible as losing. Finnick told us the reality of a post-games world, and it's nothing like what we see back home. The love of his life and fellow Victor, Annie, was so traumatized by her games that she still spends most of her life stuck up in Victor's Village. She has yet to be well enough to help mentor, why Finnick is the only one for the two of us.

Despite Finnick's newfound faith in me, I don't think I have what it takes to win. Mentally or physically. 

"Nothing the Capitol promises is ever as good as it seems." My mentor had explained earlier.

He told me how Snow had practically sold him for prostitution to make more money and bring even more attention to the Games. I'm sure something similar would happen to me, and I'm unwilling to give up even more of my dignity to the Capitol.

"What are you thinking about?" The dark-haired boy's question snaps me out of my thoughts.

 I don't look at him, focusing on the parties in the buildings surrounding us. "What life would be like after the Games," I admit. The window practically takes up the whole wall.

"What would your plans be," he questions while sitting beside me, "If you won?"

I laugh, looking in his direction. "I don't mean if I won. I'd rather not get my hopes up, you know?"

Wrong Place, Right Time - Cato Hadley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now