Chapter 5: The Meeting

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Almost no words were spoken at dinner.

Apple, who wasn't aware of the conversation when Wade and I returned from training, kept trying to break the silence, only to be let down.

Finnick and I talked about how to play the night, and he surprised me with a comment.

"What's his deal?" My mentor asked as soon as we heard Wade's door slam shut.

"I'm not sure," I reply truthfully, "He was distant during training, but not like this."

Finnick shakes his head, "Boys, am I right?" He asks, drawing a smile on my lips. "Anyway, let's talk about your plan to go into tonight. How well do you know them already?"

"Not too well," I admit, "Glimmer, the girl from One, seems nice. We talked a bit during training today. She was the one who invited me."

"Okay," He starts, nodding, "How do they see you? I mean, did you impress them?"

"The boy from One complimented my work with the spear, but I think he was just being nice since he was so much better," I explain, "but the girl from Two seemed actually impressed when I picked up knife throwing fast."

Finnick nods in understanding, "Good, good. I'm unsure if Wade's going with you tonight; if he doesn't, tell them he's not feeling well. We don't want him burning bridges too fast."

I agree, not wanting to put him in any unnecessary trouble.

"For now, I want you to be quiet during the conversations. Don't bring up any ideas, but you can agree to theirs," My mentor advises, "I don't want them to try and use you during the games if you can't get anything back, and you don't want to come off too strong. The boys usually like the leader role."

I laugh, "I wouldn't dare to take their leader role!" I exclaim sarcastically.

Finnick chuckles and touches my shoulder, "You know, I really think you can win this."

His sudden shift takes me aback. We had never really talked about our probability of coming out alive.

"You do?" I ask, practically a whisper.

He smiles, reassuring me further, "I do."

I stare back at my reflection in the mirror. Finnick's words had briefly brought me hope until I remembered seeing the other tributes training, and who I would see tonight. They're the "real" Careers, and they view the games as such, a job. I can't help but think he's being naïve.

I sigh and walk out to the living area, finding Apple, having her nails painted, and Finnick.

"I'm gonna head out," I say, smiling.

He looks up and returns the smile, "Sounds good, Kiddo. Remember what we talked about."

I nod. I'm about to get to the elevator when there's a voice behind me.

"Forgetting someone?" Wade's voice fills my ears.

"I didn't think you were coming," I express.

He scoffs, getting onto the elevator, "Of course you didn't. What did Finnick tell you,"

"He told me," I start, pressing the button that reads 1, "not to come off too strong. We don't want them to think we're trying to overpower them."

He nods as we're taken down. "And," I add, "Try not to brag."

He's about to retort something when the door in front of us opens, revealing a carbon copy of our floor.

A lady walks by. You could say she was Glimmer in 10 years, and I'd believe you. I recognize her as a former Victor from One, Cashmere.

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