Chapter 12: Commotion

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"Let's split up," Cato orders, "There are three different fires and it looks like another one should start soon."

We all nod in agreement, and I can't help but feel a bit jittery in anticipation of what we're going to find. I left my spear at camp, thinking that knives would be easier to move around. 

"Hal, you go to the first one," The self-proclaimed leader says. "I'll go to the second, then Clove, and Marvel," He pauses, "Space yourselves out to try and catch them in the act."

Instantly, the four of us split into separate directions. As much as I'm excited to be on my own, to prove myself, I miss the protection of having a partner, knowing I have only myself to rely on to survive this.

I shake off the thought and run towards the smoke. I'm not surprised Cato gave me the first fire; whoever set it is probably long gone by now, but who knows. 

Getting deeper into the trees, I start to see the source of the smoke, and after scanning the area, I decide it's safe to approach it. 

A pyramid shape of branches and long dead grass is the base of the smoke. Luckily, whoever set this had half a brain to do it on dirt. Without the risk of spreading the fire, I carefully pull apart the structure, stomping on each piece before moving on to the next. 

The sticks were a bit harder to put out. I take my water bottle from my backpack and carefully pour enough to quench the flame. 

When I have 2 of the sticks left, I hear a rustling from a few yards away. Instinctively, I grab a knife out of my belt loop and wait. Quickly, I see a flash of red hair around the area of the rustling. The girl from Five is running by, looking like she came from the area of the Cornucopia. 

I ready myself and whip my knife at her. The shriek she gives lets me know I hit her. She continues running, telling me I must have only hit a limb.

 I'm running after her now, grabbing my other knife to throw when an explosion fills the air. The ground shakes ever so slightly and I can tell it came from behind me. Our landmines must have gone off.

The momentary pause I took was enough time for the ginger to escape. 

Quickly, I stomp out the remaining branches and run back to the Cornucopia. When I reach the clearing, I see Cato and Clove have already arrived, and they're yelling at Wade. 

Our once-substantial pile of goods has now been blown to the ground. Nothing is left unscathed but three metal arrows. 

My pace slows down to walk as I get closer to everyone else. An enraged Cato heading towards Wade, who's standing there defiantly, not taking the insults thrown at him. 

Before I can open my mouth to try and settle them, Cato's arms wrap around Wade's neck, and a cannon sounds. 

In slow motion, Wade's body goes limp and falls to the ground. The noise that escapes me is something I've never heard before. 

I pick up my pace and sprint over to his lifeless body. I fall beside him, placing his head on my lap. My sobs are choking out, and tears are splattering on his face.

His beautiful face. The face that used to be a home for me is now lifeless and staring blankly back at me. 

Amid my weeping, I feel a hand placed on my shoulder. I look up to find the face of the boy that did this. I push his hand off of me. 

"Get away from me!" I wail.

"Hali," He says softly, trying to comfort me.

"No!" I shriek, "Why would you do this?"

Wrong Place, Right Time - Cato Hadley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now