Chapter 8 - Foist aid

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(Mush POV)

I see Y/n talking to Race and I feel a slight pang of jealousy. I have come to terms that he is most likely her crush.

Suddenly I see her quickly turn and make direct eye contact with her gorgeous eyes. Her eyes, I think. Those eyes you can get lost in. Those eyes you can forget all your worries in. Those beautiful, beautiful, eyes.

As Im bandaging my leg, she approaches me with her first aid kit. She reaches down to help, sending sparks all through my body.

"It's okay, I've got it." I say nervously.

"No way. You've nursed me back to health before...Now it's my turn to fix you." She insist as her eyes gaze into mine.

We sit in silence as she fixes my left leg.

Once she is done she goes to aid the cut on my face right under my eye. She is so close, I can feel her breathing on my skin. I feel on fire, and not just because I was just soaked in the face. As her fingers linger on my face, I study her features. Her eyes, her nose, her freckles and of course those lips. All perfectly placed together.

Shit, how long have I been starring at her lips?

I look down at my hands, suddenly hyperaware of my movements. I don't want this moment to end. Does she feel this too?

I sigh, she definitely doesn't.

"There... all patched up!" She says gleefully.

Our eyes meet once more. She still hasn't removed her warm fingers from my cold skin, smoothing the bandaid under my eye. If it takes a beating to feel the warmth of her touch, heck, I'll take the beating any day.

"Thank you." I whisper, still inches away from her face.

"Okay, Listen up! Newsies assemble!" Jack says as we all gather to one table.

I look over to see Y/N shyly putting away the first aid kit. I can tell she wants to be included.

"Hey Y/N! That includes you, you know. You're one of us now." I call over to her and I can see the happiness on her face. It feels like a gift from god when she smiles. I would do anything for that smile.

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