Something's Strange.

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Los Angeles, California
USC On-Campus Apartments
2:26 a.m

"Don't you miss this?" He asked as he grazed his soft fingers against my cheek.

His touch makes me melt into the earth as all of my problems begin to fade away.

My breathing became heavy as his husky voice continued to utter words that my heart wanted to hear.

"I remember all them times baby..." flowed out of his mouth like a river down a quiet stream. I can't take it... neither can she.

Sweet ecstasy I constantly try to fight, but come weak to every single time. It's his fault... why does he do this to me?

He leaned down to my ear and spoke softly saying, "I need to feel something..."

I fought to cross my legs while standing.

Why does my body react to him this way?

My heart pounds rapidly, everything becomes weak, my stomach does a million backflips, and my ocean roars with ramping waves.

This man will have me in the palm of his hands in seconds.

"I do too." I admitted as he gave me a confused look.

"How is that possible? I just think it's funny that you're on the same page." He said as I looked away to decrease the negative energy from the confrontation.

"No, look at me when I'm talking to you." He instructed as I immediately submitted to his tone of voice.

"You usually call me, FaceTime me, text... something. Now, you act like you don't know me?" He inquired once again as I fought myself trying not to break eye contact.

"Something changed... what happened?" He asked as he gently grabbed my hand into his.

"Nothing" I said snatching away and lying through my teeth.

"Fuck that. I'm not buyin' that shit. I know you. I always know when something is wrong. Baby, please just talk to me." He said as I looked away from him without saying a word.

His frustration grew by the minute.

"It's funny how you don't feel pain... You see how numb you are now?! I've never seen you act like this with us. You gone lie in my face and act like you don't even give a fuck about what you're doing to me?" He blurted from the heartache he was experiencing.

The only one that should feel that emotion is me... but for some reason, it still hurts every fiber of my being to see him this way.

"Chris, I do care... I never stopped caring about you. I just can't..." I said as my chest started to burn and a knot formed in my throat.

I never wanted any of this.

"And why the fuck not?" He asked searching for my eyes.

I wouldn't look at him and he was feeling defeated.

He sighed heavily and brought me closer to him.

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