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Chris' POV:

As I stared at the "I miss you" text on my phone, I shook my head.

The fuck she think this is? That ship has sailed.

Another text came in saying, "Can I pls come see you?"

Man, ion' got time for this shit.

I went to the number, blocked the contact, and put my phone away.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

"Bro, so you wouldn't smash a family member for a million dollars?" Jack asked as I scrunched my face up.

"Nigga fuck no. Where do you be comin' up wit' this shit?" I asked as we laughed in unison.

We're almost at the locker room. It's a big game tonight against Purdue.

"I'm just sayin' though. What if it was like a long lost cousin and she was fine as hell?" He asked as I got quiet for a second.

"How long lost are we talkin'?" I asked as we entered the locker room and we heard commotion.

"Damn, we heard y'all all the way down the hallway. What we miss?" I asked as we walked in dapping' the guys up.

"Trey over here trynna boast bout' his study session with Jayde earlier." Mike said as I furrowed my eyebrows aggressively.

"What you mean boast? The fuck happened?" Jack asked with irritation in his voice as he opened his locker.

Exactly. Cause what the hell he mean?

"Aye, y'all better chill for her best friend whoop y'all ass." Dave said chuckling.

Fuck that. I'll beat somebody ass myself.

"You niggas just mad cause I got farther with her than any of y'all will ever." Trey said in a bragging tone as I spoke.

"Ion' know how that's possible."

"Cause nigga. We got to studyin' and shit then boom... she ended up on my lap." He said as the guys went up into hysteria and my blood began to boil.

We just became exclusive with each other on Friday.

Ain't no fucking way she'd do me like that.

"Yo' ass lyin'. She already said she ain't doing shit wit' nobody on the team." I said bluntly.

"Man, you just mad that it wasn't you. Looks like imma' be first up to fuck the coach's daughter." He said while laughing and in a split second, I saw red.

"What the fuck you just say to me!?" I asked in a threatening tone as I walked towards him and some of the guys got between us.

"Aye don't speak on my best friend like that. Have some fucking respect." Jack said on the side of me.

"Say that shit again bitch ass nigga." I said in a hostile tone as we heard footsteps approach.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" Coach Vance asked as he walked in and we dispersed.

I sat in front of my locker on the bench to lower my blood pressure.

"Is there something I need to know about?" Coach asked as some of the guys said no.

I heard soft footsteps enter as well.

It was her... the perfume that I love graced my nose from her presence.

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