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An Hour Later in Jayde's POV:

"Isaiah we really don't have to revisit this." I stated as we sat out in the courtyard.

The sun was going down and some students were walking across the campus.

It brought subtle memories back to when I used to go here... it also made me remember why I left.

"I know I apologized for the entire situation already, but I just feel like a fucked up person for what I did to you.... I'm so sorry Jayde." Isaiah said as I sighed.

Memories started flooding my mind and I had no choice but to suppress them again.

"I know you are... I told you I accepted your apology and I'm past it." I said.

"But, I'm not though... I fucked up a good thing. I didn't know what to think. A lot of people were trynna get in my head and it almost ended up with you getting seriously hurt."

"But Isaiah, you let them. That's on you." I said honestly as he looked down at his feet.

I continued to voice how I felt.

"Yo' fake homeboys who had no good intentions or experiences with girls spoke down on me and you allowed them to get in your ear. I told you that you could trust me, but my words and actions weren't enough for you... you let them ruin us." I said shaking my head and looking away.

He tried to grab my hand and I moved it away.

"The sad thing is that you knew the real me from high school... before any of the niggas here." I said once more.

"Jayde don't be like that... I know you're right and I was immature as fuck. I lost you and it does eat at me. When I saw you for the first time today, it felt so good because we used to be so close." He said.

"I know that. Just felt like I was betrayed by my own boyfriend in a way that I never would've thought." I said as he sighed and brushed his hand across his waves.

"I know... and I regret it everyday. Like it coming to the point where you had to transfer was some shit that I had to live with because it was all my fault."

"Isaiah, I didn't wanna bring that baggage to this conversation. Sometimes, I have random flashbacks that come back to bite, but I moved on from it and I'm trying to keep it that way. I need you to do the same." I said as we made eye contact.

Healing energy on me please! That's all I need today.

"Alright... I'll do that. Just so you know, I beat that nigga's ass off campus." He said as I dropped my jaw and laughed.

"Cap... stop lyin'." I said.

"Jay, I swear. That nigga is not in my circle no more whatsoever. Told him if I ever saw him again I might kill em'. No bullshit, I know I was bogus for even putting you in that position, but that nigga took that shit too far. I had to beat the dog shit out his ass." Isaiah said as I chuckled and low-key enjoyed hearing that.

"Well, thank you for that. Hopefully y'all learned y'all lessons." I said.

"Oh, you best believe I did. Now talk to me, how's USC? How are classes going? How's the manager shit going? How's dad even though he hates my guts?" He asked multiple questions as I laughed at his million and one curiosities.

"You really wanna know?" I asked.

"Of course I do. I missed talking to you and I missed hearing your voice. I'm ready to hear it all, then I'll tell you about me." He said as I sat up preparing to talk.

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