Feel Something.

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Days Later:

I haven't heard from Jayde in three days... haven't seen her or anything.

I don't know what the fuck is going on but I'm worried as hell.

It's Tuesday and I didn't see her at all yesterday for class. She wouldn't even answer her door.

As I walked out of my Digital Media class, I saw Jack walking across campus.

"Aye bro" I said as he looked at me and tucked his phone in his pocket.

"Wassup" He said.

"Have you seen or heard from Jayde? I haven't been able to get in touch with her for days." I said  in a concerned manner as he scratched his head.

"Ion' think she wants to be bothered right now." He said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Wait, why? What happened?" I asked... I'm confused.

"Look man... that's my best friend, but it's not my place to tell you. She's hurting right now and I'm not sure how you could possibly make it better. So, I think you should just give her some space." He said about to walk away as I scoffed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?? Me and her have been serious for a minute now and you know this. Now you just want me to say fuck it?" I asked with irritation in my voice.

"It seems like you've been saying fuck it and her feelings so I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean." Jack said as I scrunched my face up.

"Hol' on bro. What you trynna say? I've never felt that way about Jayde and you know that shit." I said.

"Chris look, I don't know what to believe anymore and neither does she. Like I said, it's not my place to get into what you guys have going on. All imma' say is that it's not looking good for you. I got somewhere to be, so I'll see you on the bus in a few." Jack said.

"Jack c'mon don't do this shit. Me and you go back before she even moved on campus. I've never wanted to ever hurt her. Please just tell me what's going on with my girl." I pleaded as he took a deep breath.

"Why don't you ask Trey who your girl really is." He said walking away as I stood in my tracks even more confused.

What the hell am I missing and what the hell does Trey have to do with it?

Jayde's POV:

It's been a rough weekend for me. I stayed with my mom and I didn't go to class yesterday... it's good that I only had one.

My mom tried to pry my heart and mind open for days, but I wouldn't budge.

I know she's been worried about me but I just couldn't talk to her about it at that time because my father was home the entire time I was there.

He's been known to eavesdrop and I can't talk about my love life around him.

Ever since my last breakup he's been callous to every guy that even attempts to grace my path.

It's why I was trying to protect Chris with everything in me. But, was he even doing the same?

I haven't talked to Chris because it just hurts too bad right now. I opened myself up to him and I got repaid with things I keep trying to erase from my brain.

Not only that, I also saw the broad sitting in the audience during Arizona State's game.

I'm sure he thought I didn't notice, but trust and believe I see everything.

Did I mention that the girl followed me on Instagram? I'm assuming she got my page from his. There are pictures of them on there and posts she made after Chris and I met.

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