One Day at a Time.

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A Few Hours Later,
Jayde's POV:

Class is finally over and I'm so glad because I am ready to go back to my apartment and take a long, hibernating nap.

Today drained me and it's only close to 1:00 p.m.

I was stuck sitting between my talkative best friend and his teammate, who I can't get out of my head... for an hour and a half.

At least I get a chance to breathe now.

"Jayde?" I heard a familiar voice as I turned around.

Here we go.

"What do you want?" I asked while walking towards my truck and away from him.

"To talk to you." Chris said as I fought the urge to be nice.

"You're doing that now." I said simply.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he started walking on the side of me.

"You mean me? I'm going back to my place to take a nap."

"Can I ride with you?" He asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Don't you have a car?"

"I took the shuttle today because I didn't feel like driving." He said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ehh.. I don't know. Sounds like a personal problem." I said as he walked in front of me and stopped causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Can you stop bein' an asshole? Damn." He said while smacking his lips.

"Fine" I said as he smiled and I shook my head.

"Do not touch anything in my truck. You better not press anything on the radio either." I instructed as he rolled his eyes.

"Yea yea yea whatever. I'm driving." He said taking my keys out of my hand and I gasped.

"No, you will not." I asserted.

"Come on love... don't you wanna be a passenger princess for a little bit?" He asked softly as I thought about the offer.

Not gonna lie... I am tired and that wouldn't hurt.

"Alright alright alright... but if you even scratch——"

"Girl, yo' truck will be in good hands. Now, let's go." He said as we finally approached my vehicle.

My eyebrows raised in a positive manner as Chris walked to the passenger's side and opened my door for me.

Well, isn't he being a gentleman?

No matter how much I want to deny it... it feels good to be in his company.

Moments Later,
USC On-Campus Apartment Complex:

As we approached our doors, I heard Chris' voice.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"For what? I'm going to sleep and we're just friends so...."

"Friends can't come over?" He asked as I chuckled and turned the key in the door to unlock it.

"Yea, but——"

"I can go to sleep too... that ain't no problem." He said as I sighed, and looked up at him.

"You ain't taking no nap in my room with outside clothes. So, see you later." I said walking in and closing the door catching him by surprise.

He thought it was that easy.

I walked to my room and dropped my bag.

I then traveled to the bathroom.

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