Won't Keep You Waiting.

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Days Later in Jayde's POV:

The breeze was cool, but not too chilling.

The air was lighter today and the sky was filled with clouds.

There was a peace in the atmosphere that I haven't felt in a long time... all because of one person.

A smile formed across my cheeks as I approached Chris' car. He was posted against the passenger's side door with a smile on his face as well.

I'm a little nervous, but ecstatic in the same breath.

"Wassup beautiful?" He asked softly as my heart started pounding out of my chest.

Sometimes it almost feels as if we met for the first time every time I come in his presence.

"Hey Chris" I said while blushing.

He opened up the door for me and there was a bouquet of bright red roses on the seat. I squealed out of excitement and then remembered that the sound actually came out of my mouth.

Ugh, I hate embarrassing myself.

"I'm gonna assume that you like them." He said chuckling deeply.

"I absolutely love them Chris... you're so sweet to me." I said opening my arms up to hug him.

He leaned down, wrapped his arms around my waist, and embraced me so affectionately.

Once I released after a few seconds, I grabbed the bouquet and sat in the passenger's seat.

He closed the door for me and walked around to the driver's side.

He got in and closed his door.

I quickly took a few pictures of the flowers sitting in my lap and with my hand on the bouquet to include my freshly manicured nails.

I could feel him staring and I heard him chuckle as he quickly flashed his tatted hand in one of the pictures.

I actually liked him doing that.

"Gotta take pics for memory purposes." I explained with a smile as he laughed lightly.

I put my seatbelt on and he spoke.

"You okay babe?"

That word sent chills down my spine like it always does.

I shook my head yes and he smiled.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Of course... can I know where we're going now?"

"Man hell naw... you love trynna ruin a surprise." He said as I laughed.

"That's not true... ok maybe it is. Just cut me some slack! I just wanna know where we're going because I'm already anxious." I said groaning playfully.

"You'll see soon... just sit back, relax, and tell me about your day. Oh wait I forgot to ask, how was your neurology class yesterday love?" He asked as I smiled and looked out of the window.

I just love how he's interested and genuinely showing it.

"Well, it was alright, we won't be getting into any major assignments until next week since it's still early into the semester——" I said but stopped talking once I felt him grab my left hand into his right.

He kept his left hand on the steering wheel and interlocked our fingers.

There is no way in the world that I can hide this ginormous smile on my face.

"Go ahead babe... I'm listening." He said in a reassuring tone as I looked at him.

Please give me strength to get through this date. This man has me feeling like a shy middle schooler all over again.

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