Valentine's Day.

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Jayde's POV:

It's been a pretty hectic day.

We're in Texas and the team is playing A&M tomorrow. We woke up early this morning for practice and the guys wanted to go out as a group after...

Well, thats kind of a lie... they originally weren't supposed to be here.

Chris' POV:

Man look... I told Mike that I was surprising Jayde and taking her on a little date before curfew in the hotel tonight.

Tell me why the hell everyone else on the team found out and showed up at the same place we did?!

Like what the fuck?

Jayde's POV:

As I stood in the lobby of the facility next to Chris, I could see the disappointment on his face.

Activate is an interactive game experience that they've placed in certain states. There are different rooms to choose from with different objectives.

One room, you and the players have to step on blue squares that light up and avoid red ones.

Another room has lasers flashed across it and you have to maneuver through them like on the spy movies.

Oooo I almost forgot! One I know he would love is a basketball room, but you can play trivia and shoot the ball in the correct hoop for the right answer, or shoot as many baskets as you can.

Either way it's gonna be fun, but I know he's still bummed.

Chris' POV:

As I heard noise from the guys putting their things away in the lockers before we head in... I could feel her eyes burning into the side of my face.

I'm mad as fuck. She was on TikTok and talked about how she wanted to come when we were back in California. I found one here and surprised her with it.

It's Valentine's Day and I just wanted some alone time with her.

"Sweetheart..." I heard her soft voice as she gently rubbed my arm.

I sighed and looked down at her. Those pretty brown eyes met mine.

"It's gonna be ok. We're still gonna have fun."

I responded with, "How are you not pissed?"

"Trust and believe the situation is screaming intruder alert. But, we don't have to be in the same rooms as them if we don't want to. They can join us for the bigger challenges. The smaller ones can be me and you." She said with a short smile.

I sighed and said, "I'm still upset but I guess you're right."

"Chris, I thank and appreciate you for seeing me and even remembering that I wanted to come here. I'm happier than you think." She said hugging me as I started to warm up a little more.

We heard the team shout playfully saying,
"Aw hell naw!" and "Ewwww!"

I hate these niggas.

"Plus, this is a competition. You gotta bring it or imma have more points than you." She teased as I scoffed.

"Girl I'd like to see you try." I said chuckling.

Let the games begin.

Later that Night in Jayde's POV:

A smile spread across my face as I saw the pictures Chris and I took together.

I felt butterflies in my stomach when I watched him kiss my cheek in a video I swiped pass on my phone.

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