All to Myself.

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Weeks Later in Jayde's POV:

I can't believe I'm saying this but... this is the happiest I've been in a long time.

I got this basketball management thing on lock. I've gotten nothing but rave reviews from my father, the team, and other faculty members. Games pick up the pace this week and with March Madness approaching next month, things are definitely gonna get hectic.

Aside from business, my personal life has taken a turn for the better. I have been experiencing complete bliss. After I stayed with Chris during our first date night, I go over there more often. Of course he convinces me to stay and if I do decline he just comes across to mine.

The only thing is that I've just been focusing on us being careful because I don't want word getting to anybody on the team. Chris left his deodorant in my bathroom on the sink while he was getting ready for practice one morning. Afterwards, Jack came over, saw it and was questioning me about whose it is. I had to tell him that I switch up between men and women's Degree from time to time.

I've contemplated on telling him because he's my best friend... I just don't know what he'll say. I know Jack would definitely feel a way because he's protective of me.

During my last relationship, Jack witnessed my heartbreak firsthand and he was there for me. This almost resulted in him getting into a physical altercation with my ex.

So, I just need to figure out how to navigate this.

On the bright side, everything has been amazing with Chris. We've had so much fun together. We've been on several more dates, tried new foods, and discovered more things to do in the LA area.

He has definitely been a man of his word and I have the utmost respect for him.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my office door that released me from my current thoughts. I said, "Come in" giving the person the green light.

As the door opened, I saw Dave's face.

"Wassup miss manager?" He asked as I chuckled lightly.

"Wassup Dave?"

"I know everybody got 3 new jerseys, but my package only came with 2." He said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Really? That's not supposed to be the case. I'll look back through the order book and see where the mix up is. You'll get your jersey." I said moving my paperwork to the side and rolling the chair over to the computer on my desk.

"Thank you sweetheart." He said as I cut my eyes at him.

"Dave... don't"

"Whaaat? I was just saying thank you." He said chuckling as I shook my head.

"It's never gonna happen." I said typing away.

"Damn, it's like that?" He asked as he sat in the chair in front of my desk.

"Yea it's like that. I'm not messing with any of y'all and by the way, don't you have a girlfriend already?" I asked crossing my arms and staring at him.

"Damn, it really is like that huh?" He asked with a sly smirk.

"I guess you niggas are scumbags for real." I said chuckling as his jaw dropped.

"Ight look, me and her having problems. I'm finna break up with her anyway." He said as I stopped typing and faced him.

"So, you expect me to start dealing with you, when you haven't even broken up with her yet? Oh, and let me guess... When me and you don't see eye to eye in our relationship, you're gonna turn around and do the same thing to me with another girl. Sound about right?" I asked as he slouched in the chair defeated.

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