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Jayde's POV Continued:

"Jayde wait——!"

"Just leave me alone." I said trying to get away from him.

"No wait please... come here." He said trying to grab my hand as I snatched away.

"Look, it's not my business what you have going on or who you're dealing with. But, I think it's best we keep this platonic." I said about to walk away again before he grabbed my hand into his without letting go.

I felt Chris pulling me towards a bathroom on the first floor.

"What are you doing?! Let me go." I said as he opened the door, pulled me in, and closed it behind us.

His six-foot frame towered over me and the air changed.

The view from here had me ready to melt where I stood.

"Look, I know what it looks like. But, I was just looking at the cup. The color didn't mean shit." He said searching for my eyes.

"Yea, and the sky is purple and lava is cold. You think I'm fucking stupid?" I asked with an irritated tone in my voice.

"Jayde, don't be like that... don't do this."

"Chris, I was born on a day, but not yesterday. I just met you and I figured that you'd have the decency and a little more respect for me than to just lie right in my face. I like you, but do not piss me off even more." I blurted as he sighed and placed his hands on my waist to bring me closer to him.

"Ok... I'm sorry" He responded as I examined his facial features more closely. The details in his smooth skin, freckled cheekbones, his full mustache and chin hair... the deep brown eyes you could get lost in, and those plump, soft lips almost put me in a trance.

But, I can't fall for it... just feel like they're all the same.

"Chris, any time there is another girl involved, it's trouble and I do not involve myself in drama. So, like I said, we can either just be friends, or we can end this all together." I said plainly as he stared into my eyes once more.

His nose flared and his gaze went from my eyes to my lips several times.

The tension was increasing by the second.

I'm serious about what I said... but man, I wish I could have him to myself.

Chris' POV:

Fuck, she's making this so hard.

I want this girl... and I'm not just talking physically.

"You've been on my mind all day. I don't want this to end." I admitted as I grabbed her hand. She wants to fight this so bad, but I know she feels the same spark... the same one that was there when we first met this morning.

"Well, I don't insert myself into situations with guys that already have another girl in the picture. If it's not just me, then we have nothing romantically to discuss." She said trying to move past me, but I blocked her.

"Jayde, everything that I told you today was the honest truth. Furthermore, there is not another girl. I am single. You don't gotta worry about another person."

"Then why in the world would you touch a taken cup then pick up a complicated cup? It's clearly not because of me. You were literally about to pour into it before you saw me. Chris, don't play in my face like that." She stated as I took a deep breath.

Damn, talk about a girl that's straightforward.

"I'm not playing with you. I don't know why I did... but I do know I wasn't lying about the things I texted you today. I did wanna see you tonight. I'm glad you came because I thought you weren't. I planned on spending most of my time getting to know you and I'm not seeing anyone else. I meant that shit." I said as she shook her head.

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