Chapter 1

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(A/N- hey guys! I am back with a new chapter! Music is above and chapter below so let's get the tape rollin')

-Years later at UA-

-Katsuki POV-

I am in Class 2A now and we were told that we had a fucking school trip somewhere which will help us to improve our skills but that does not mean that we have to go to a fucking forest! A fucking forest with so many fucking beasts who wouldn't leave us the fuck alone. We make our way back when suddenly, we see a fire in the forest but the strange part was that the fire was blue in color. The only person who has blue fire quirk is that fucking villain Dabi. Just great! Now we have fucking villains to deal with.

"Villains are here and all students are requested to head to safety and not engage in the fight!"

Oh fucking great! As if we are close to the fucking building.

Me, Shitty hair, half n half dunce face were on our own as we had lost the rest of the extras. Dunce face turns around and looks at us.

"We lost the class!"

"Just fucking shut up dunce face and let's head back to the fucking building or the villains will know where we fucking are!"

We are walking back silently when suddenly, we get ambushed by the villains.

Oh great! This is exactly what I fucking wanted! Waste our energy on fighting some stupid beast and then get ambushed by the villains itself.

Toga starts to attack him, trying to get a stab in but I use my explosions to stay the fuck away from her.

"Go die Crazy bitch!"

"Aww Katsuki, I think you would look so pretty covered in blood."

"I am not fucking interested!"

Suddenly from behind, compress comes and uses his quirk on me. I hear shitty hair call out for me before I was plunged into darkness. I get up and clutch my head, dizzy from the sudden movement. I look around as I try to figure out where I am.

That villain must have trapped me in a fucking marble! He is going to pay for this!

I try to use my quirk to get out but nothing works! I don't how long I have been in this void but it must have been long since I am starting to feel weak. I try to take another step but before I could, I fall down to the ground and pass out.

-Meanwhile in UA-

-3rd POV-

Compress captures bakugo as Shitty hair tries to warn bakugo but it was too late.

"We got our target. Let's go."

Compress says and soon, a portal opens and all the villains go through it. The students can only watch helplessly as the villains go away right in front of them with Bakugo in their grasp. The villains are gone and everyone goes back to the building to give out the news.

Aizawa and the pro heroes are in shock to hear about Bakugo's kidnapping and soon, everyone is sent back to the school. A search party was sent out in search of bakugo but to no avail. The students want to help out but the teachers do not give out any information except that they are still working on it.

-Time Skip-

It has been a day since Bakugo was kidnapped but there has not been a sign of where he could be. Everyone is getting worried more and more as the time passes by but all they can do now is wait.

-Meanwhile with Bakugo-

-Katsuki POV-

I wake up, only to find myself in a bare cemented room with a wooden door in front of me, tied up to a chair and bound in both my legs and hands with a rope. I try to use my quirk to fucking free myself somehow but nothing happens.

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