Chapter 12

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(A/N- hey guys! Welcome back! Music is above and chapter below so I hope you enjoy!)

-3rd POV-

Everyone is fast asleep in the base of LOV except a certain green head. He is pacing around his room as he awaits for a call. The moonlight shines through the window, illuminating the room. And just then, his phone starts to vibrate. He grabs his phone from the desk and answers the call, putting the phone by his ear.

Izuku: Hello, what is the update?

???: They have found the tracker that we setup and are preparing for a surprise attack.

Izuku: Any idea when they are going to attack?

???: For now it is not decided but most probably at dawn or maybe during the day since they believe that after the attack we did at night last time, you guys will be more alert at night than during the day so most probably the attack will be in broad daylight.

Izuku: Alright then. What about All Might?

???: He is having a dilemma on what to do since it could ruin his good fame and popularity. He has not said much except that he had asked me if this will get into the news. When I questioned him as to why he asked that, he said that he wanted to protect UA's reputation and stuff but I could tell that he was lying.

Izuku: That is to be expected I guess. Anyways, has Sero's and Kaminari's parents been made aware of this yet?

???: Yes they have and they will come to UA tomorrow to talk to Nezu.

Izuku: oh okay.

???: You have something in mind?

Izuku: yes. I think I am going to let the parents into this but after I talk to Sero and Kaminari about this.

???: Alright then. Is there anything I need to do?

Izuku: Nothing for now. I will call you if there is anything.

???: okay then. I better go now.

Izuku: bye.

He hangs up the call and places the phone on the desk with a sigh. After a few minutes of pacing around the room, he goes out of the room and into the kitchen, making himself a cup of coffee before leaning on to the counter and enjoying his coffee.

-Izuku POV-

I make myself another cup of coffee and then lose myself into my thought.

So I need to ask Sero and Kaminari if they are fine with letting their parents know.

And then I have to get everyone ready in the makeshift base before the heroes arrive.

Maybe I can give Sero and Kaminari some pain numbing pills and then let Toga give them a few bruises so that they don't feel the pain.

It's not like they won't feel the pain. It's just that the pain will be delayed and a bit less from how it normally is.

I take a sip from my cup and then look at the little black watch on my wrist.

It is 5 am already.

What is the use of trying to get any sleep now?

I might as well just let it be.

I still do have a lot left to do.

I sigh and then sip my coffee before I hear footsteps coming this way.

"Nerd? What the hell are you doing up so early?"

"I could ask you the same question Kachaan."

"I came down to get some water since my throat was feeling kind of dry. Now you tell me, what are you doing up so early?"

I sigh and just watch as Kachaan grabs a glass and fills it with water before drinking it all in one gulp. He rinses the cup and then leaves it in the dishwasher before coming over to me.

"Nerd, are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine Kachaan, don't worry."

I finish my coffee and then rinse the cup before placing it in the dishwasher. I turn around to see Kachaan, who was looking at me with concern on his features.

"Kachaan, don't worry so much, I am fine really."

"What's got you thinking so much nerd?"

I chuckle and look at him with a grin.

"Aww, is Kachaan worried about me?"

He blushes, red covering his cheeks and the tip of his ears before giving me a glare.

"S-shut up nerd. I am not worried about you."

I laugh and then pull him into a hug.

"Thanks Kachaan....."

He does not react at first, still in surprise by the sudden hug but after he recovers from the surprise, he hugs me back as well.

"What are you thanking me for nerd? I did not even do much except hurt you and-"

I put a finger on his lips, making him stop from continuing any further.

"Kachaan, do not continue that. I told you, it is not your fault. It was all her fault, she was the one who forced you to do this. I had already forgiven you so don't even talk about this being your fault again, got it?"

He nods and then I remove my finger of his lips. I look into his deep crimson red eyes, while he looks back at my own and we stay like that for some time until we both realize how we were staring at each other. We both look away in a hurry, red in the face from embarrassment and I scratch the back of my neck as I laugh sheepishly.

"S-sorry about that."

"Y-yeah me too."

We both stand there awkwardly until I hear footsteps coming towards the kitchen. I look at the doorway and Kaminari comes in with Sero right behind him. I give them a grin and walk over to them.

"Hey guys, how was your sleep?"

"It was good! I really slept well."

"So did I!"

I laugh and then remember what I wanted to talk to them about.

"So guys, I needed to ask you guys something."

"What is it?"

"Well, your parents will be coming over to UA and I am pretty sure they may be worried so do you want me let them know about what's going on?"

They both look at each other before shaking their head.

"No, not really. As far as I know, they don't really care since my parents always say that I was dumb and stuff."

"Oh. What about you Sero?"

"No it's fine. I want to tell them myself."

"Well, alright then. Now, who wants breakfast?"


I turn to where the sound was coming from and then notice the rest of the league had already made their way to the kitchen. I laugh and shake my head.

"Alright then, let's get cooking!"

We all begin to help each other make breakfast, having a few spills here and there but all was good.

Let me tell you, that was the best time ever.

(A/N- hey guys! That was the end of this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I hope you guys have a great day/night! Stay Safe! Bye!)

(1176 Words)

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